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  1. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    I'm glad to hear that. I am definitely a hardass, and I make that openly apparent. The great thing about being a hardass is, people remember you, and people remember I get shit done. If you fuck up, I will be there to correct your error. I strive to eliminate repeat offenders and if me being...
  2. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    I remember the situation quite well, the "CI" who was obviously not CI was a Sr Doctor who went into 914. You were all minging before, running in a group of 5-6 just asking people violently for ID's outside of D-Block for no apparent reason, tranqing people, etc. This situation only really...
  3. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    Time to reveal the plot twist: Sledge is NOT ethical. He does try to be though! :D. Thanks Orca, and I was denied Assistant for good reasons the first 2 times. The 3rd time, eh you could argue it but I don't think I was wronged.
  4. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    Uhh, no, I *had* a document that my director talked to me about which had the names and steamID's of minging GSD during low pop hours that I relayed to the Senior personnel of the security department who thanked for the information but did not take any action. I don't have a grudge over...
  5. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    Me "witch hunting" people is something I only do with friends or people that I let know beforehand who are ok with it. It's for fun and is intended to be taken that way. As for how I behave.. I don't really know how you would personally know since we interact once a week maybe. And from what...
  6. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    This is fake news with no evidence!
  7. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    You made my night Rowling, thank you hahaha! Shoutout to Thato
  8. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:135552538 Discord name: s1peter For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4,790,760 seconds (1330 hours) Age: 20 In what country are you located?: U.S.A Time zone: U.S.A EST Character name(s): Sledge, Yana "Wolf" Volkov, Fred The Fed, Mikhail Ivanovich Civilian name: Mikhail...
  9. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Hanz Powers COS application

    Don't thank me, thank yourself for putting the effort in and allowing me to have such an opinion. This is all you, I did nothing but simply highlight your actions.
  10. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Hanz Powers COS application

    The second best candidate for Chief, Hanz like Thordan, basically did any chief related work/issues if they couldn't step in or were too busy. I've always seen Hanz as a no BS, take charge, do it now and do it right kind of guy. My votes are with Thordan & Hanz, no competition really.
  11. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [US] // Thordan's- Chief of Security App //

    Hands down one of the best and most active captains, basically did chief work as a Sr Captain when Chiefs couldn't fill in. Easily the best candidate for the spot. I would go ballistic if Thordan didn't get Chief.
  12. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Rule Suggestion Disallow instant strip binds or limit strip binds to one item

    Edit: I'm dumb and forgot what I said. *ahem* those jobs should have weapon checker and interrogate anyway, and the fact they don't is mindblowing to me. If a GSD cadet has weapon checker, all combative jobs should. Interrogate is a tool I would personally think it makes sense for these jobs to...
  13. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Rule Suggestion Disallow instant strip binds or limit strip binds to one item

    Read before making verdict: Do not just deny it because "Swep coming soon", implement this and give all MTF/DEA/CI/GOC jobs weapon checker & Interrogation tool UNTIL the swep comes out, and THEN you can change it. It makes no sense to me why this shouldn't be accepted until the swep arrives...
  14. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Partially Accepted General Security Whitelist Rework / Job Rework

    +Support We need a WL'd job that is before a CL 4 position to allow better transitions to a captain position. Officer > Captain is simply too much of a jump, especially when you can theoretically grind levels to get officer without going through license trainings. Too many situations I've had...
  15. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Partially Accepted [US/UK] Give IA Max Armor and an Ammo Box at Spawn

    Anyone who says "IA are non-combative" don't know what they're talking about and thus their opinion is immediately nullified! Am I an ass? Sure, but c'mon, how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!?
  16. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Rule Suggestion Disallow instant strip binds or limit strip binds to one item

    I'd respect that. Except there are people who just use something like that while they're in EZ for example lmao. I remember one dude had a panic button specifically for A1 and it was hilarious. "Help! A1 is kidnapping me!" hahaha!
  17. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Partially Accepted [US/UK] Give IA Max Armor and an Ammo Box at Spawn

    +Support We were denied an Armory because apparently it's "RP" for every department to have an armory except IA while also being told no when trying to use it. Actually braindead. Ammo and Armor would be barely enough, but one step at a time right? Anyone who says "IA are non-combative" don't...
  18. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Rule Suggestion Disallow instant strip binds or limit strip binds to one item

    Panic buttons are an entirely different can of worms I don't wish to open. I think a simple "Panic! Im being kidnapped!" is fine, and panic buttons such as "I'm being kidnapped by CI! Go to 035 and rescue me!" is not fine. I don't really see how that factors in here though
  19. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Response Unit level 3 keycard

    +Support For the love of god please. SRU needs CL 3, can't even access armories as a licensed job. SRU is also supposed to be patrolling around, needing another CL 3 escort to go into HCZ is pain. This will make SCU the better pick for dealing with SCP's while SRU is the better pick for patrols...