Search results

  1. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Accepted Allow SA to Credit CL4 IA

    +Support Please let Skyfire and SA credit us! (Totally not biased). Seriously though, as SA they should be able to credit everyone that isn't SC.
  2. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [US] FriedHart's DoR Application

    +/- Support Great Exec Good app Akura is a better suited candidate I don't think you've been an Exec long enough I'd love to see you in the spot Friedhart, but Akura has got this in the bag. Spend some more time on Exec, wait for a spot to fill up, and you'll be the next one, I guarantee it.
  3. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [US] Johnathan Doe's ECA Application (2)

    +Support Good staff Already has been assistant Clean app Why not?
  4. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] "Puggo's 3rd Ethics Committee Application

    -Support Man, you just got SA, slow down, you'll get there eventually.
  5. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] "Scratcher"'s Ethics Committee Application

    I cannot give my support if I will never see you on site, especially during prime hours. Only 3 ECM slots and I don't see a reason to give one to someone no one knows/will know since they are on when the server population is below 55.
  6. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied [USA] Add more OSA and ECA slots

    Not wrong about the standards but I can tell this is all exaggerated, i'm not asking for a lot. An extra slot for 1 each would be sufficient. As for their original purpose or authority over ISD, I don't really see how that's relevant here. I don't see a downside for adding 2 slots total.
  7. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Accepted Change UNGOC 1SG to UNGOC 1SGT

    Even on the Discord it's "1SG"
  8. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied [USA] Add more OSA and ECA slots

    SC literally make the rp!
  9. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied [USA] Add more OSA and ECA slots

    Fair enough, but the FAQ saying most job slot related suggestions are going to be denied is not stopping me from saying what I believe needs to happen. To be honest, idek why I put 4, an extra slot each is good enough.
  10. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied [USA] Add more OSA and ECA slots

    We stand to tyranny
  11. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied [USA] Add more OSA and ECA slots

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This will change the maximum amount of assistants from 2 --> 4 on both sides of the isle (Ethics and O5). Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I Guarantee it. It isn't different, it's a change that...
  12. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Rank suggests ethics committee usa

    Ethics Assistant and Overseer Assistant just need more total slots. There's no limit to the total number of assistants, people need to be on that job to get their stuff done, and only 2 slots each? Actually nuts. I don't think there needs to be an inbetween job from Assistant to ECM/O5 because...
  13. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Kylie Ringer's Security Captain Application

    +Support We've interacted probably twice, but your past roles tell me you're MORE than qualified. That is all, you get a +support.
  14. Former Ambassador Sledge

    "Potheads" special agent application (US)

    +Support Good DEA main Plays GSD when not on DEA and knows the role This man constantly breaks Legal Codes I Section [2.5], fire him immediately (joke) Never had an issue with you pothead, you're a goofy guy, but not detrimentally goofy if that makes sense and that is something I can respect...
  15. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Security Captain Application Mark

    +Support The lore alone is literally just enough to accept him as GSD Captain Short but clean app Never had an issue with him, he does a good job at pretty much every role he has. He is ready for a CL 4 position I'm not going to lie to you Mark, I legit thought you weren't deaf for the...
  16. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Accepted Change UNGOC 1SG to UNGOC 1SGT

    +Support Makes sense Why not? 1SG is goofy. 1SGT actually makes sense
  17. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Accepted Change UNGOC 1SG to UNGOC 1SGT

    She isn't saying it's bugged, she's saying it's weird and needs to be changed, hence the suggestion!
  18. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Make SCP-073 aka "Cain" worth playing and make him assist in research and easier to recontain.

    I think the WL is a great work around to the tolerance meter idea, and much easier to implement. I'd gun for that 073 WL so quickly. EDIT: To clarify, make him WL but give him CL 3 with it. Do not keep him as is and make him WL as it would literally kill him as a role.
  19. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Make SCP-073 aka "Cain" worth playing and make him assist in research and easier to recontain.

    I'll agree to the whitelist if he gets CL 3. That way Cain gets more opportunity to assist people like a dying cadet who needs to get into an armory for health or armor, etc. Cain is meant to assist foundation and the way he is now is depressing. Cain escorting a techie through lower HCZ to fix...