Suggestion Denied
Hi @Zen,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.
After taking your suggestion into account, we came to the conclusion that this is not something that we can really fix, we also...
Previous experiences with you were shaky in the beginning but you're definitely on the right path for improvement.
I haven't seen you on the server for a short while now, this may just be me with work and what not however.
Best of luck!
Plenty of positive interactions with you
Extremely detailed and well formatted application
No previous staff experience
Best of luck!
Current O5-3, I know this man is more than capable of handling the role of O5-1.
Active on the Overseer job.
Amazing interactions on and off of the O5 job.
Best of luck!
Was a great -2
Only had a few vague interactions with you since your return to the server.
I think it would be nice to give one of the current O5s a chance at this slot, I understand that they are all fairly new to their positions but I also believe they are all more than capable of...
- / + Neutral leaning towards + Support
No interactions with you
Good VTime, shows that you're active
Previous experience with both Staff and SeriousRP.
If I see you in game personally, I would be more than happy to alter my verdict.
Best of luck!
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