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  1. SeZu

    Denied Dont allow juggernauts and flamers to defend base raids

    When your warfunds are about 6 mil you will.
  2. SeZu

    Denied Dont allow juggernauts and flamers to defend base raids

    Neutral Consider having both teams be able to use jugg's and flamers or non. That's the most fair way to go about it.
  3. SeZu

    Bejings Moderator Application

    +Support Rem, from being in the same regiment as you and playing with you on daily bases I can tell that you are a good fit for the staff team. You are what an staff member should look like, Friendly fella that's active mature and down to earth. You have good rule knowledge and you've been part...
  4. SeZu

    Accepted Removing bleeding when you are in an tank

    That is not realistic at all unless you drive a Shaman
  5. SeZu

    Brian Bell Supreme Council Application

    +Support Mature, Capable and promising.