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  1. Glazzing

    [US] Starling's Resignation Appeal [2.1]

    +support gave me refund on d class that one time
  2. Glazzing

    Denied Remove 860

  3. Glazzing

    Accepted Increase the Font Size on the Hacking Tool for longer Chains

    let us scale the size in settings for all hacks 🙏
  4. Glazzing

    [USA] Yellow's Staff Application

    +support ampharos better than pikachu though
  5. Glazzing

    Denied 106 new dimension

    oh I thought that shit was just the same maze always
  6. Glazzing

    Rule Suggestion Restrict on the spot "rulings" to SSL+

    +support These mfers don't even know half the things they're saying, half of SL will say something completely opposite from other SL. Annoying asf when every other sit is determined purely by what SL is on at the time because all their "rulings" vary between each other
  7. Glazzing

    Denied 106 new dimension

    -support its not rng, just use the map that was made for it
  8. Glazzing

    Pending Review 682 Changes

    +support he only gets breach tooled to break bulks to surface
  9. Glazzing

    Denied Donation Frag Grenade

    add nitro to
  10. Glazzing

    PAC Request [USA] Astrid's PAC Requests

    I got this model from adb once on ci
  11. Glazzing

    Rule Suggestion SCP-22415-3 Direct SCP Combat Rule

    to much effort for SL..
  12. Glazzing

    [US] Director of Research Application: Jinngle Heimer

    +support its the guy from that one clip
  13. Glazzing

    Question (SCP-RP)

    real my ban evasion, severe tox, and mrdm ban expired and got cl4 one day later
  14. Glazzing

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

    -support I like playing eca
  15. Glazzing

    "BloodShed" Special Agent [USA]

    +support goofy ass levels screenshot though
  16. Glazzing

    Accepted Let door charges be restocked at ammo stashes

    real to lazy to look up past suggestions
  17. Glazzing

    Denied Give O-1/A-1 and OSA/ECA ability to arrest people

    ISD's biggest opp
  18. Glazzing

    Accepted Let door charges be restocked at ammo stashes

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Let's you restock your door charges similar to Field Kit's and Flash Bangs/Smokes Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: idk Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Evil locked doors go boom...