Search results

  1. Snake

    Cain "The Child" Morris

    Happy birthday tho didn't realise it was ur bday
  2. Snake

    Intordution of Michael Walker

    Probably a massive noob or something idk
  3. Snake

    Partially Accepted Eliminate the Third Person Restriction!!

    Suggestion Partially Approved Hi @cxssna , Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons. While we will not be reverting this, we will monitor how it affects the current server and look into...
  4. Snake

    Denied CI Officer & Commanding Officer Primary Weapon Change

    Suggestion Denied Hi @PhaseHound , Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. The Content Team has chosen to close your suggestion due to the following reasons. There seems to be a significant disagreement between UK and US CI command about if they agree with these changes. I...
  5. Snake

    [UK] Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's Ethics Chairman Application

    How will this affect Lebron's legacy?
  6. Snake

    Partially Accepted DEA Utility loadout change

    If you read the reply message for the last DEA loudout change suggestion we are already looking into dea loudouts
  7. Snake


  8. Snake

    It was fun...

    o7 hope to see your lurking in mess hall someday
  9. Snake

    [UK] Athena's SCP-RP Game Master Resignation Appeal

    +Support Already cooking in game
  10. Snake

    vguns change

    I think more customisation isn't a huge issue but mainly because low res goofs with a lot more stuff
  11. Snake

    Last train home

    o7 redmann I've got an extra large pastry waiting for you next time you're in game I learned how to cook for it(on a real note though one of the best and most thoughtful rp leaders on the server. Even though I didn't serve under you I'm happy to have had you as chairman)
  12. Snake

    What's everyone's favorite MTF's

    Unoriginal but molerats, such a goated mtf
  13. Snake

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - MTF E-11 Captain E. Fortune [VK-SV]

    Greetings @Fortune, A sit was called by an ambassador who presented me with this clip. I brought you to a sit and asked why you had killed him. You explained to me it was because he was arresting your commander for trespass and that he could've been O1 because O1 have disguise cards and at the...
  14. Snake

    Bye bye! :mewing:

    Mogged too close to the sun rip
  15. Snake

    What is everyone favorite horror game?

    For fun resident evil, especially 4 ,7 is pretty scary, for overall quality alien isolation
  16. Snake

    Partially Accepted Chemical Suggestion 2, Reality bender boogaloo

    Suggestion Partially Approved Hi @Merrick Travolta , Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons. We believe having a chemical the supresses abilities when injected would be beneficial for...
  17. Snake

    SCP-RP (US) - Ban Appeal - marco braca "honored"

    Changed name to US since it was a US player who handed out the ban
  18. Snake

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Maverick Hell

    Appeal Denied Hi @Whatwashisnameagain? , Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. This appeal is denied seeing as the ban has already expired. Kind regards, Snake
  19. Snake

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Ratio "B-Scripting" Aidseth

    Please ensure you make a reasonable effort on your ban appeal and include more detail please. Please note stacked bans class X means you have received multiple and excessive bans over a short period of time. Perhaps detail why you will avoid this in future if unbanned
  20. Snake

    Kaz fr fr
