Suggestion Partially Approved
Hi @cxssna ,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons.
While we will not be reverting this, we will monitor how it affects the current server and look into...
Suggestion Denied
Hi @PhaseHound ,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to close your suggestion due to the following reasons.
There seems to be a significant disagreement between UK and US CI command about if they agree with these changes. I...
o7 redmann I've got an extra large pastry waiting for you next time you're in game I learned how to cook for it(on a real note though one of the best and most thoughtful rp leaders on the server. Even though I didn't serve under you I'm happy to have had you as chairman)
Greetings @Fortune,
A sit was called by an ambassador who presented me with this clip. I brought you to a sit and asked why you had killed him. You explained to me it was because he was arresting your commander for trespass and that he could've been O1 because O1 have disguise cards and at the...
Suggestion Partially Approved
Hi @Merrick Travolta ,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons.
We believe having a chemical the supresses abilities when injected would be beneficial for...
Appeal Denied
Hi @Whatwashisnameagain? ,
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
This appeal is denied seeing as the ban has already expired.
Kind regards,
Please ensure you make a reasonable effort on your ban appeal and include more detail please. Please note stacked bans class X means you have received multiple and excessive bans over a short period of time. Perhaps detail why you will avoid this in future if unbanned
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