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  1. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Accepted Make all free-roam SCPs beamable

    + Support for all EXCEPT 912 073 and 2295 should be able to be recontinued with ease, they both have a keycard which players have used to minge on the role and open the D-class lines for example. Overall makes it easier for GSD and E-11. 912 however, even when not breached 912 is a combative...
  2. Charles "Ze" Whitmee


  3. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Cade's bowing out for a bit o7

    Take care man, always been a pleasure to interact with ya.
  4. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    PAC Request Sr. Agent Sam "Tabby"

    "Items that are attached to the player and are outside of the model, such as; Watches, Glasses, PDAs, Weapons, Badges, etc" Does not need approval, but ?
  5. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Rule Suggestion Make it FailRP to Breach SCP's as D-Class

    I do :( But also yeah, bi ol -Support
  6. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    A Final Letter For Civil Networks From "Atlas"

    A damn shame. Best of luck too ya
  7. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    No more satcheling (or crossfiring)

    No. You don't get to leave. We still have more GOC to Class F!
  8. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Favourite Primarch, and why?

    Vulkan. And his based Salamanders.
  9. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Denied GOC UPDATE

    That's a US GOC issue which you are trying to fix by buffing rather then attracting more players. A poor mindset,
  10. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Denied GOC UPDATE

    Skill issue. And god no, GOC is not the focus of the server. And this will only cause more war and conflict. GOC are meant to be the RP faction on the surface, not another antagonist.
  11. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Wheelchair Accessable

    Don't try and push a wheelchair to Ethics. Damn stairs.
  12. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    putting this all to rest finally

    Take care Jane, been a delight to know ya.
  13. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Calling it a day.

    Awww man... It's been a pleasure Scotsman. Loved ya RP everytime.
  14. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Denied [USA] Add more OSA and ECA slots

    Why the hell are we not meant to make RP? And we detract from the server?? Like i get the concept of you wouldn't see SC this much in lore, but this is a Gmod RP server.
  15. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Denied [USA] Add more OSA and ECA slots

    3 slots I beg.
  16. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Denied Rank suggests ethics committee usa

    What a wonderfully formatted reply!
  17. Charles "Ze" Whitmee


    Surface RP will never be the same. Take care man, wishing you well.
  18. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Denied Rank suggests ethics committee usa

    -Support UK ECM here, I aint got a damn clue what this is and how it'd be implemented, and judging by this post you also have no clue how it'd be implemented either. However In agreement with more slots for Assistants from the other replies.
  19. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Rule Suggestion Disallowing Specialized Panic Buttons

    I argue these binds can still be used if there is some RP behind it. E.g. Tensions between O-1 and E-11, I'd Expect E-11 to possibly make "O-1 kidnap" panic buttons. However I do agree with disallowing specialised panic binds with no RP backing. No more Tech Experts spamming "O-1 Kidnaping!!"