Im gonna be real honest, I have never seen you on DEA but this is probably just you playing at a different time. Otherwise you have a lot of previous Cl4 roles so +support
CI TB and D-Class TB literally just get nerfed to all hell, healing ability would heal enemies too thus making it useless. Whats the point in that ignite ability, guns exist. Banishment is just kinda ass, for example during a 079 siege somone would be forced to do literally nothing for 40...
Like i know im a CI and im no trying to make things about CI, but realistically CI was massively nerfed with the new EZ update and the Combative IA change, this new bulk change allows CI to actually raid instead of getting gunned down by 15 ISD + 15 SOP
+/- Mixed support
This wouldn't be needed because we cant weaponize SCPs. Mods/SL never let us do it, and SCP Mind Controllers will never be added even though they said it would
You barely the meet the minimal reqs, and you piss me off. I never see you on anything other than SCP, which leads me to believe you wouldnt have the best map knowledge which is kinda essential with 096, also a really crappy application
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