Search results

  1. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    [UK] Mishashi's ECA Application

  2. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    (UK) OSA Application Odysseus

  3. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    pupper tiggles leaving

  4. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    Ciao for now goobers

  5. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    Pen scp unban

    b]Your in-game name: Barry “Pen” Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:618353381 Your steam community link: Date of ban: 3/04/202 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect):wifi is cut off so cant show the screen shot but I got...
  6. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    [UK] Atlas's IA ambassador application

    -support Said “UK bruv”
  7. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    Thank you for everything

    o7 Active E-11
  8. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    OSA Application [Uk]

    -suppot -not professional
  9. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    [UK] Alex Honda's Special Agent app

    +support Active in DEA
  10. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    [UK] The Pennington's SD App

    +support The best DoR?
  11. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    Broda Bouncing Out o/

    O7 Thanks for the advice on day 1 when I came to floor 3. That has been my motivation throughout the network. Best -1
  12. Brayan "Jim" Murry


  13. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    That's a wrap.

  14. Brayan "Jim" Murry


    o7 Best ranger there is and the one that has put most of the work for surface RP and documents for the PD. Have a great rest of your future.
  15. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    in a bit scp

    O7 I think I should have the 3 million
  16. Brayan "Jim" Murry

    <UK>Mod Application<UK>

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): billybobjr132401 How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): Age: 15 In what country are you located?: UK(Scotland) Time zone: GMT Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): "Jim"...