Search results

  1. Painter

    [USA] John "Survivor" Maverick's Site Advisor Application

    +support if E-11 isn’t exploding rn
  2. Painter

    [USA] Steve "Driver" Schröder's Site Advisor Application.

    +/- support Just getting back into the grove but cool guy and could probably hold his own as a Site Advisor,
  3. Painter

    [USA] Mosasaur SA App #3

    leads best raid ever asked to rejoin MTF Nu-7
  4. Painter

    [USA] Skyfire's 3rd Site Director Application

    -support Better applicants Jk he only applicant +support
  5. Painter


    I watched this guy be hostile with E-11 for no reason why we were setting up our wargame and asked to talk to some bro just to slander him, whatever he was applying for -support
  6. Painter

    Accepted duplicate drafts in clipboards

    +support plz
  7. Painter

    Partially Accepted Amnestics Re-Work

    +support But not get accepted cause they be like “this change is not needed at this time”
  8. Painter

    [USA] Viggo "Purge" Gr.'s GSD Chief application

    +support Fossil, like a relic. Been here as a CPT since before I joined the server, probably attended his tryouts as a cadet. Knows his stuff in terms of GSD 100%.
  9. Painter

    [USA] Halo's Overseer Assistant Application

    idk man O5-2 and -7 are cool and all but this is OSA we talking about +support
  10. Painter

    [USA] O5-4 "The Phoenix"

    +support pyro m a niac?
  11. Painter

    Denied Giving IA more keycards

    -support hug a wall with yo CL4 out while disguised as a cadet to open door
  12. Painter

    Denied Remove Sniper jobs

    4 people have fun < all SOP and CI have fun (don’t get 1 shot when they can’t fight back) +support
  13. Painter

    [USA] Jack "Fubar" Daniel's 05 App | "The Warmachine"

    +support Don’t eat the rest of the council
  14. Painter

    Cancel Swag Messiah

    +support Down with Swag
  15. Painter

    Denied Add a new ability to TB/TG

    -support how you want staff to think this would be used - Tell others there is no CI in a room - LARP getting people to leave you alone how it would be used - Walking into 035 good sir I think this breach needs to be extended another hour - Open all 008 doors and inject yourself thx - Walk...
  16. Painter


    +support bug + banned
  17. Painter

    [USA] Harold's Staff Application

    playing -> working +support
  18. Painter

    [USA] FriedHart's DoR Application

    pretty sure you had cat ears on your pac3. :(
  19. Painter

    Denied Add Weapon checker, Interrogation Tool and Tranquilizer Pistol to OSA and ECA

    -support Guys, what if they played IA Ambassador instead of IA Ambassador 2.0