Search results

  1. Shark

    [USA] "Terible" Special Agent Application

    APPLICATION DENIED Unfortunately @Terible, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been denied. You may reach out for the reasoning behind your denial. You may re-apply in one week.
  2. Shark

    [USA] Jonquavius | "Denali" Special Agent Application

    APPLICATION DENIED Unfortunately @boohoo0867, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been denied. You may reach out for the reasoning behind your denial. You may re-apply in one week.
  3. Shark

    Special Agent Application

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations @Jimmy Salvo, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted. Please contact me directly for training.
  4. Shark

    "Watergate" Special Agent Application [SCP-RP USA]

    APPLICATION DENIED Unfortunately @Playdoughzombie, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been denied. Feel free to reach out to me directly for the reasoning behind the denial.
  5. Shark

    [USA] Tyrone "Skoobz" DEA Special Agent application

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations @Tyrone, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted. Please contact me directly via email for training.
  6. Shark

    Wukong's Leaving

    o7 The greatest goober has fallen. Honest to god you were probably the only reason I joined CI for the brief period I did. Thank you for the fun times. There's always a spot for you when you come back. Keep doing great things Wukong!
  7. Shark

    [USA] Wrath's Special Agent Application

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations @Wrath, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted. Please contact me directly via email for training.
  8. Shark

    [USA] Nick "Neptune" Special Agent Application

    APPLICATION DENIED Unfortunately @Nick "Neptune", your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been denied. Feel free to reach out to me directly if you wish to know the reasoning behind your denial. You may re-apply in two weeks.
  9. Shark

    [USA] Lafleur's DEA Special Agent Application

    APPLICATION DENIED Unfortunately @Lafleur, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been denied. Feel free to reach out to me directly if you wish to know the reasoning behind your denial. You may re-apply in two weeks.
  10. Shark

    [USA] Convicts Special Agent Application

    APPLICATION DENIED @Conviction has withdrawn their SPECIAL AGENT application thus it has been automatically denied. You may re-apply in one week. Speak to me directly if you have any questions.
  11. Shark

    [US] Joseph Von Claus's Special Agent App

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations @Joseph Von Claus, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted by DEA Command. Reach out directly via email for training.
  12. Shark

    [USA] Micheal Alex Shephard Special Agent application

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations @Castle , your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted by DEA Command. Reach out directly via email for training. (_.shark._)
  13. Shark

    Nad 's Special Agent Appeal [USA]

    Hello @Phantom49, thank you for making this appeal through the correct channels. You were removed due to sexually harassing a UNGOC MAJ during one of their visits onto the site. From what I've gathered from people involved also personally witnessed, this seemed to be the case. Using binoculars...
  14. Shark

    [USA] "Orders" Special agent app

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations @"The Truth" , your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted by DEA Command. Reach out directly via email for training. (_.shark._)
  15. Shark

    Nad's Special Agent Removal Appeal [USA]

    APPLICATION DENIED This isn't the proper channel to seek a RP Demotion appeal. You asked for me after you were removed on the reason why and I explained it to you. You didn't have any questions at the time yet you make this appeal not understanding why you got removed. If you wish to fully...
  16. Shark

    "Mars" DEA Special Agent Application! [USA]

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations @Delt, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted by DEA Command. Reach out directly via email for training. (_.shark._)
  17. Shark

    [USA] "No"'s Second Special Agent Application

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted by DEA Command. Reach out directly via email for training. (@_.shark._)
  18. Shark

    [SCP-RP USA] Application for SCP-22415

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:120907744 Discord name: _.shark._ For how long have you played on CG SCP: About a year, mostly on and off until 3 months ago where I became active daily. Age: 18 In what country are you located?: Canada Time zone: PST Character name(s): Murphy "Shark" Robinson, Robin "Shark"...
  19. Shark

    Marin “FullMoon”s 3rd Special Agent App [USA]

    APPLICATION DENIED Unfortunately, you've been deemed to be unfit for the promotion to SPECIAL AGENT at this time. Feel free to reach out to me for further details. You may re-apply in 1 week.
  20. Shark

    [USA] Zony Z Ziger External Affairs Special Agent Application

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted by DEA Command. Reach out directly via email for training. (@_.shark._)