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  1. Holland

    [UK] LTAP Ban Appeal

    Hey @"Vision" Thanks for taking the time to make an appeal. I got asked by Biggy Cheese Timmy. To issue you a ban for LTAP. To my knowledge, you were informed you would be brought to a sit. and then proceeded to leave the server. This is LTap and therefore the ban. More information I...
  2. Holland

    Mase Latte (y)

    Mase Latte (y)
  3. Holland

    [UK] Holland Captions application

    So far thanks for all the Support. Indeed it can be you don't see me much on GSD. This is mostly because on peak hours I have other duties to do. So I mostly play late evening and early morning during a lower pop. Can you expand on the captions application goes hard? I noticed I misspelt...
  4. Holland

    [UK] Holland Captions application

    List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF E-11 MAJOR (Hold) CI-A(Hold) 096 (Hold) - Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 2x FailRP 1x RDM latest one was April 15 - Why are you applying for Security Captain?: I am interested in becoming a captain to...
  5. Holland

    Denied Site Admin Assistant role

    - support I think this wouldn't help SA that much. As mentioned before you can use OSA ECA to help with site administration. Adding this role because the USA can't utilize other assistants won't make sense. Instead, you should try to work with them. Adding another unnecessary role that...
  6. Holland

    This is RDM aint it?

    Hey @BOBERT9000 i suggest making a complaint on the player/ staff member in the following section. Complaints. Please follow the format that is provided. Greeting Holland
  7. Holland

    Conor mc gee's SCP-RP UK Moderator application (3)

    + Support. only note try to learn the rules little more.
  8. Holland

    [UK] Red's Resignation Appeal

    +Support Amazing person. one of the best and most dedicated SL member this community ever had.
  9. Holland


    hello test where is test how to become a test how to join a test
  10. Holland

    (SCP-RP UK) Norway's Staff Application

    +support - Good interactions Rest mentioned above . Gl on your application, Holland
  11. Holland

    Moderator application UK

    Hey @Elvis Padre, Thank you for taking the time to make an Application. -Support - No interactions. - Application is lacking. - Low Vtime. Regardless of my opinion. I wish you the best of luck with your Application. Holland
  12. Holland

    Generic's Staff Application

    +Support All of the above ^^^^ Gl on your application, Holland
  13. Holland

    [TEMPORARY] Crimsons goodbye to SCP

    Next time you leave E11 I will BL you
  14. Holland

    [TEMPORARY] Crimsons goodbye to SCP

    Saw him playing DarkRP aaaaaaa come back to SCP
  15. Holland

    Henry's Mod application (UK)

    Hey @Asain boi Thanks for taking the time to make an application. i will give you a Neutral Due to us not having enough interactions i can't give a proper verdict. Best of luck with your application, Holland
  16. Holland

    [TEMPORARY] Crimsons goodbye to SCP

    O7 best PVPER and E11 . Where are the clips. Gonna miss you
  17. Holland

    [SCP-RP UK] Blue's Very early introdution

    Blue green is better Edit : was a joke -_-
  18. Holland

    [UK] Biscuit's Blacklist Appeal

    unfortunately, I have to say -support just got warned for FearRp
  19. Holland

    Ban Appeals

    Hey again @gamerxa2 I acknowledge that you are new, but it is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the server rules. There was no major harm caused, and I was simply adhering to our policy. While I personally believe that you may warrant a second chance, it is ultimately up to the...
  20. Holland

    Ban Appeals

    Hey @gamerxa2 , Thank you for taking the time to make an Appeal, I banned you because you were using an Mp443 to kill multiple D-class without a valid RP reason. You first shot me in D-block showers, then proceeded to kill two others and then me again, while I was standing still in D-block...