Search results

  1. Bubba

    Denied Add More Strikes to CI

  2. Bubba

    Do you like cats or dogs better?

    I know @Flames likes dogs a lot
  3. Bubba

    Time out.

  4. Bubba


    @el zapso im glad you didnt ping me. Please come back tomorrow then resign next week and ping me there.
  5. Bubba

    Cya :D

    Hey man :D (you finally made a good decision...)
  6. Bubba


  7. Bubba

    Accepted Replace the Ka-50 with the Krok.

    +support KA-50 is a goofy helicopter
  8. Bubba

    Accepted Rebalance stingers

    That's how a stinger works :D
  9. Bubba


  10. Bubba

    Abbie's Goodbye

    Goodbye, Abbie! If you remember or not (was almost a year ago now) you were always a nice player on SCP. You were a player that always stuck out to the staff team, with both your kindness and rp. Good luck with your future!
  11. Bubba

    Axel's resignation appeal

    +Support Bubba Approved :salute:
  12. Bubba

    Back for more!!

    Request denied... Please try again in 2 weeks.
  13. Bubba

    Kwill Leaving SCP.

    What!?!?! I would never be bias...
  14. Bubba

    Kwill Leaving SCP.

    jeez finally :freeze: :freeze:??
  15. Bubba

    Denied Make it FailRP to....

    Untick the "watch" button at the top of the post
  16. Bubba

    Denied Make it FailRP to....

    This isn't an intended way to reveal someone in a disguise. How would this ruin RP? There are many ways to try and reveal someone. The main one being interrogations. Keep in mind, on MRP there is no defibs, or harpoons, or anything for electroshock, we use only RP and interrogations. In a...
  17. Bubba

    Zaps Demotion Appeal

    +support zaps actually did run good events...
  18. Bubba

    Julien Whites demotion appeal [UK]

    +support Julien was always a very good GM. I always enjoyed watching and participating in his events.