Search results

  1. Thordan

    Hanz Powers Site Advisor app [USA]

    +Support My best captain. Knows how to RP. Been on the sever for a year.
  2. Thordan


  3. Thordan

    Sebastian Stain's Security Captain App. USA

    From: Chief of Security "Thordan" To: Captain Applicant "Sebastian Stain" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Sebastian Stain, your application has been DENIED If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via discord - (Stillthordan)
  4. Thordan

    Grizzly Application for Gensec Captain USA

    From: Chief of Security "Thordan" To: Captain Applicant "Grizzly" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Grizzly, your application has been DENIED If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via discord - (Stillthordan)
  5. Thordan


    From: Chief of Security "Thordan" To: Captain Applicant "Cure" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello The cure, your application has been DENIED If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via discord - (Stillthordan)
  6. Thordan

    [USA] Puggo's Ethics Committee Application

    +Support This man will one day be a chairman. Trust.