Search results

  1. Alpa

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

    -support In theory, this is a good suggestion, however, SA is not in a position to become the final all-powerful say in things on site. SA would need to undergo a complete rework for this to be even remotely viable. There would also need to be an intermediate position between department...
  2. Alpa

    Why the changes are /not so good/

    I find this point really strange, you can work along side other regiments without taking away from them, which is what A-1 and O-1 do for the most part, I don't think I've ever seen an E-11 complain about A-1 helping them with breaches, or gensec complaining about A-1 helping them in D-Block...
  3. Alpa

    Denied Removal of Nu7 Medic and replace it with combat medics

    -support like 10/14 of the positives are just wrong, just a net negative all around, it's clear this wasn't really thought through heaps looking at some of the positives and negatives. (Ive personally never seen a combat medic "death squad" before so I can't imagine that's really a negative)...
  4. Alpa

    Rule Suggestion Give The Beret Back On TS To MTF MAJ's

    the only perms commissioned officer gives is the ability to move to and from the CO chat, you cant give join perms, cant move people into the channels, can't do anything like that. +support ci delcom+ get it but MTF major doesn't, kinda crazy (I have never seen any majors abuse it but I have...
  5. Alpa

    [USA-ECM APP] Dalton's Third Ethics Member app

    -support some insane opinions on this post
  6. Alpa

    [USA] Puggo's Site Advisor Application

    +support actually a good ECC, shame he was beaten to death
  7. Alpa

    Rule Suggestion Make Faction Siege Raids FailRP

    siege raids are some of the most boring shit but at the same time making rules to directly inhibit things you can do as a player is also awful and should only be done as a last resort, there's workarounds that arent "make it failrp" -support
  8. Alpa

    Rule Suggestion Increase sample limit to 4L

    -support I feel like this takes away some of the rarity from higher level chems which isn't necessarily a good thing
  9. Alpa

    Accepted Make the Nu-7 officer job (Or other jobs) be able to give credit automatically without approval

    +support kinda silly a cl2 researcher is more trusted than a MTF LT
  10. Alpa

    Denied Nerf Reality Benders

    +support I cannot state how much I dislike running 4 minutes from floor 3 to HCZ only to get 1 shot
  11. Alpa

    Rule Suggestion Give ISD Operatives a different rank in the Global Site Hierarchy

    -support you aint above other mtf cuz ur a-1 🤣 Also just not how the hierarchy works, you still can't be ordered by IA as an A-1
  12. Alpa

    Partially Accepted Add Weapon checkers to Combative Jobs

    +support you clearly need a wrench to pat people down
  13. Alpa

    Denied Remove Sniper jobs

    delete them (ceramics could help but deleting them helps more)
  14. Alpa

    Denied Proximity requirement to not get kicked out of dimension.

    +Support The helper dimension is being used way too much as just a second dimension for people to just run around in, it makes the normal dimension feel a lot more dead and empty, it makes DEA and IAs job so much harder. Having a 1 minute timer would solve nearly every problem I've had with it...
  15. Alpa

    [USA] Volt's 22415 Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:90671239 Discord name: alpa._ For how long have you played on CN SCP: Since around July 2022 Age: 18 In what country are you located?: Australia Time zone: AEST Character name(s): "Volt" (A-1), 'alpa' (DEA) Civilian name: Rhys Lando What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP...
  16. Alpa

    Joseph Von Claus's ECM Application [USA]

    -support you're staying in A-1 ?
  17. Alpa

    Denied Remove Sniper jobs
  18. Alpa

    Network Leadership required Automated Restart amount change

    +support we unironically need a third restart on US