The application is rather average and you completely misunderstood the map change question. Whilst I personally don't agree that question should be there and when I was an SGM this was meant to be changed after a years worth of discussion (Seriously, what is taking you lot so long to change 1...
We may not have seen eye to eye on everything and that is absolutely fine, just how life is. I wish you all the best in your current and future endeavours, take care Emilia o/
Well, MRP ruleset is defining the server as a roleplay military experience. If people aren't staying due to not seeing what MRP is supposed to be advertised as, then the RP needs to drastically improve.
Nearly had a seizure reading your application with all them colours, but you've always been a great role-player and eager to commit to whatever role you were in.
When I came on a while back to test the new player experience with a few people it was ok, minus a few glaring issues I passed on to your SSL and NL at the time.
Whilst I did enjoy the combat and the fighting over the points on the map, some players just outright refused to roleplay and it was...
Lore was difficult to read due to Colour/Text
You've done this in Godzilla sized font to make it seem there is a lot. You've missed out on a lot of important parts with this application. If you want to be successful then if I were you, take your time with this and add as much creative detail as...
He doesn't need to inform any CO team lol, they can reply with their thoughts here
Aside from that the tech job for CI if it isn't used then less bloat is always good but Niox makes a good point with its RP potential.
Have you contacted Network Leadership with your concerns directly? Its clear there is some unrest on MRP but you should read the comment Yeke put on the other suggestion not so long ago. Just reach out directly to NL and I am sure they'll look into it for you.
Sorry Cubic, this is a very weak reply and as a former DoIA, I've got to leave a -Support
You need to elaborate on what these plans are. Explain them further as you need to sell your skills when applying to these positions. At no point did I mention 'Major RP', if you consider bringing roleplay...
Its an ok application and you highlight a lot of things that have been done in the past but seemingly fell off according to what you are writing here.
Department management aside, what roleplay have you brought as an Ambassador? Any stories for people to get involved in?
On a proper RP server it would be disabled. I'd 100% agree. But lets face it, SCP-RP as it stands is not a serious roleplay server nor do the staff treat it as such. Will just have to wait for Site-9soonTM's promise of a true serious RP experience...?
I think community consultation should be a thing for major updates, but having communities have complete say in things is just a disaster waiting to happen.
If Server Leadership are making mistakes then you need to address this to Network Leadership who will take appropriate action.
I've been...
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