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  1. Levi

    'Ghost' NHC Application

  2. Levi

    Asia Yuuki Mod Application

    +support nice guy overall
  3. Levi

    Voltics SC Application

  4. Levi

    Bumble's NHC Application

  5. Levi

    Applications to NWO High Command - VegetaPL

    -support From the 2 weeks that I have been on the server, he hasn't shown anything that would fit him to become SC. For us, SWB, he always disturbs us when we need to spawn in helis by asking us for the reason every single time when it isn't to do with him anymore as he left us due to there...
  6. Levi

    Denied Make SAM not shoot in peacetime

    +Support Firstly, to the people who said they do their job of defending the FOB, it is literally peacetime. What destruction or murder will happen at an FOB in that time - I do agree with it shooting in pre-war as it will be used to actually defend a position that can be attacked soon. New...
  7. Levi

    Denied Remove Crimson Blade faction

    Neutral CSB is ruining RP rather than adding it. The rework of CSB and how the faction is interpreted is needed. I support the idea of the needed rework.
  8. Levi

    Denied Remove CSB

    I understand that staff will just downvote this to the ground but personally, and many others too, that CSB ruins RP instead of its original purpose to add RP. They just run into a base, kidnap someone (literally anyone) and spends 10 mins doing nothing with them just to blow them up. Before...