Search results

  1. Johnson J. Marauder

    [UK] 'boku's Gamemaster Application

    +Support - Love the CI and A1 mission - Detailed app - Johnson J. Marauder
  2. Johnson J. Marauder

    Skittles' Sayonara

    o7 - Johnson J. Marauder
  3. Johnson J. Marauder

    Arshia logging out

    o7 - Johnson J. Marauder
  4. Johnson J. Marauder

    Denied Make Hacking screen immune to shaking

    +Support - Johnson J. Marauder
  5. Johnson J. Marauder

    Accepted Allow SCP-500 Pill to cure Infections/Diseases

    +Support - This will allow MC&D to sell more pills and increase the use of 500 - Johnson J. Marauder
  6. Johnson J. Marauder

    Which TF2 class is your favourite?

    Pyro requires no skill - Johnson J. Marauder
  7. Johnson J. Marauder

    [UK] 'Brum's Director of External Affairs Application

    +Support +Active +Experienced +Professional - Johnson J. Marauder
  8. Johnson J. Marauder

    Green Apples or Red Apples

    Red duh - Johnson J. Marauder
  9. Johnson J. Marauder

    Bring back Intel ?☝

    +Support - Johnson J. Marauder
  10. Johnson J. Marauder


    The tenner is tempting - Johnson J. Marauder
  11. Johnson J. Marauder

    Denied Increasing raid timer for CI

    Bro passed the ID checks real E-11 moment
  12. Johnson J. Marauder

    I Forgor to make a leaving post :skull:

    o7 Johnson J. Marauder
  13. Johnson J. Marauder

    Denied Increasing raid timer for CI

    - Support If E-11 is unable to prevent CI from breaching, then that is simply their problem. This will not only kill Nu7 and DEA but also CI since raiding is one of our main objectives. - Johnson J. Marauder
  14. Johnson J. Marauder

    Civilgamers Most Wanted

  15. Johnson J. Marauder

    Foxatron's Site Director Application

    +Support -CL5 Knowledge -Detailed Application - Johnson J. Marauder
  16. Johnson J. Marauder

    When Ci update

    yes update