Search results

  1. Saphira Harlow

    Soap's Moderator Application

    -Support -low Vtime for this month (9 hours) -Immature from previous interactions -Application is poor -Lack of rule/server knowledge
  2. Saphira Harlow

    Tarz leaving

    o7 Tara, sad to see you go Get good at R6
  3. Saphira Harlow

    Connor leaving CN

    Bye bye
  4. Saphira Harlow

    Denied Super Saiyan Ostrich

  5. Saphira Harlow

    Denied Surface Combat/RP Rebalancing Part 1: Nu-7 Loadout Changes

    -Support Nu-7 loadouts are fine
  6. Saphira Harlow

    Accepted E-11 Garage Spawn

    don’t let the SCP get to surface then. Having an E11 spawn would make CI raids harder, I guarantee you backspawning will increase. Only way to get a +Support from me is if this suggestion included the spawn would only be active if a SCP gets past garage
  7. Saphira Harlow

    Accepted E-11 Garage Spawn

    -Support You have legs for a reason
  8. Saphira Harlow

    Insulin's ECM Application

    -Support -Last time you were ECM I believe you got a infraction for authorising the termination of all site personnel
  9. Saphira Harlow

    Hip Fire Spread Revert

    +Support Nobody I know likes it
  10. Saphira Harlow

    Denied Kiowa replaces LB

    LB is clearly bigger...
  11. Saphira Harlow

    Denied Kiowa replaces LB

    No -support
  12. Saphira Harlow

    Accepted Balance High Command Snipers

    +support Should be balanced
  13. Saphira Harlow

    Luke Kelly's NHC Application

    -Support -Little experience -No CC experience -Relatively new to the server -Low Vtime for HC
  14. Saphira Harlow

    [UK] O5-1 'The Oligarch' Application

    +Support -Scottish -Active -Can’t be worse than Kaz