We already have enough minges in CI's and we can't even jobban before a tryout even happens we have to check their levels and steamid
It wouldn't make sense for CI who has been whitelist only for a while to randomly get tests which will increase our numbers but also decrease the...
Personally i think 3 DC Isn't a bad idea, it might be 2 op but it sounds pretty fun for 3 people to able to group up and actually do stuff, 2 people isn't enough with the 50 MTF that are on
-Very Mature
-Active on Research (More than CI :skull:)
-Great Interactions
-Great Leadership
Overall a very good Researcher member and Very Suitable for Exec
Agreed with Snow, Doubt it will accepted, + CI don't really do anything with 096 expect selling him since sampling him does nothing
And its so annoying for E11/Nu7
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