Search results

  1. "Aki"

    Denied Automated CI Testing.

    :skull: ong
  2. "Aki"

    Denied Automated CI Testing.

    -Support We already have enough minges in CI's and we can't even jobban before a tryout even happens we have to check their levels and steamid It wouldn't make sense for CI who has been whitelist only for a while to randomly get tests which will increase our numbers but also decrease the...
  3. "Aki"

    Oreo's Introduction

  4. "Aki"

    Toni late introduction

  5. "Aki"

    Aki's Late Introduction

    i solo your mother in bed
  6. "Aki"

    Denied Chemistry Tweaks/Additions (Large Suggestion)

    +Support I really wanted a chemical that gives armor for a while + 7722 sounds like the best fit
  7. "Aki"

    Bolt's very late introduction

    This man is a menace to society.
  8. "Aki"

    Claire's late introduction

  9. "Aki"

    Denied Give ci deepcover 3 Slots

    +Support Personally i think 3 DC Isn't a bad idea, it might be 2 op but it sounds pretty fun for 3 people to able to group up and actually do stuff, 2 people isn't enough with the 50 MTF that are on
  10. "Aki"

    [UK] Nate Mercer's Executive Researcher Application

    +Support -Very Mature -Active on Research (More than CI :skull:) -Great Interactions -Great Leadership Overall a very good Researcher member and Very Suitable for Exec
  11. "Aki"

    Aki's Late Introduction

    Hello my name is Aki, my bitches are non-existent and I Main CI [That's probably why] Also don't tell anyone but i actually like goc and nu7
  12. "Aki"

    Denied 096 Picture Spawn in Pinewood

    Agreed with Snow, Doubt it will accepted, + CI don't really do anything with 096 expect selling him since sampling him does nothing And its so annoying for E11/Nu7
  13. "Aki"

    [UK] Daniel Hammer Site Director Application

    +Support Active Mature Professional Overall a very suitable person for the SD Position
  14. "Aki"

    Accepted Sample-able 7722

    +Support Been wanting a chemical that gives armor for a while now
  15. "Aki"

    Denied add nzt 48 or cph4 as a chemical that enhances inteligence

    I don't get this suggestion Is it like a hacking upgrade or?
  16. "Aki"

    chad4j's PAC3 Tutorial

    10/10 such a shame i can't read :skull:
  17. "Aki"

    Denied Train Tunnel Vents Fix

    +Support Please fix this, people actually metagame it when they see a shit ton of CI being tp'ed + there is no point for it to be there
  18. "Aki"

    [UK] Biscuits Miller Staff Application (2)

    +Support Biscuits is a really chill person, i hope he will pass trial mod now.
  19. "Aki"

    Intordution of Michael Walker

  20. "Aki"

    Goodbye SCP RP

    O7 Glory to Demar Best MRU SGT In history