Search results

  1. Cheetah

    Grace 'Sanguine' Faldas PAC Approval #2

    The main thing would be the character recognizablility, dont want a Rainbow Six Siege model running around the site you know?
  2. Cheetah

    Grace 'Sanguine' Faldas PAC Approval #2

    What changes have been made, cause i see zero difference.
  3. Cheetah

    Yeke keeps saying kind regards at the end of appeals

    @Yeke We NEED you to respond with the most voted for the next ban appeal.
  4. Cheetah

    Favourite people

    @E. Kepler (They would kill me if i didnt)
  5. Cheetah

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - James William ( I am not sure since I do not remember it very well )

    Appeal Denied Hi @eduard , Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. After reviewing your ban appeal and the description provided. I have decided to deny your ban appeal. Severe Toxicity is a serious punishment, in which we have zero tolerance for. Seeing you got banned for Severe...
  6. Cheetah

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Arthur Dean

    Appeal Denied Hi @Arthur Dean , Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. While i do understand it is not your fault that your electricity gets cut out. You did still break the server rules by disconnecting during an active Roleplay Scenario. The procedure is that we wait 10m after...
  7. Cheetah

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - LunarSH

    Appeal Denied Hi @LunarSH , Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. After speaking with the staff member who banned you about the situation regarding your ban. I have decided to deny your appeal. While we do appreciate you giving back most of the chemicals, you failed to give all of...
  8. Cheetah

    how to appeal a warn (SCPRP)

    Hello @Proximo1021, if you believe the warning given to you was invalid. You can make a complaint on the staff member here and mention your side of the story. And a member of the SL team will handle your complaint as soon as they are available.
  9. Cheetah

    Denied "Bodycams" are stupid

    If you are going to post a suggestion please follow the format, otherwise it will simply be denied.
  10. Cheetah

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Shaunpai

    Hello @Shaunpai, Thanks for taking the time to make a Gamemaster Application. We acknowledge your withdraw, and wish you better luck next time. You may re-apply in 1 week.
  11. Cheetah

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Harry Nolan/Defender

    You do not have to make a demotion appeal. Seeing you were staff such a long time ago, going through with an application is your best course of action.
  12. Cheetah

    PAC Request Hubris Mk.II

    Request Denied Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC/Lore request. I have decided to deny your request due to the following reasons: As i have stated in your previous PAC request, The pac model provided simply looks out of place and does not fit the themes of the research department...
  13. Cheetah

    Custom MK.III Orange suit model

    PAC Approved Hello @KingViper115 , Your PAC3 Request has been approved. Any changes to your Character Bio/PAC3 will have to go through the process of being accepted again. Kind regards, Cheetah
  14. Cheetah

    PAC Request Hubris Mk.II

    Please follow the format PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): Steam ID: Photograph of PAC:
  15. Cheetah

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - cheep

    Appeal Denied Hi @dowgmak , Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. After reviewing your ban appeal, i have come to a conclusion to deny your ban appeal. And i will explain why. Shortly after you got your original ban for severe toxicity, you decided to try and evade your ban and...
  16. Cheetah

    Network Leadership required Temp perma weapons

    How can a permanent weapon be temporary. Isnt the point of something permanent to not expire. I can see why you would want this however. For some weapons it might be nice to be able to try them out in actual combat before buying them.
  17. Cheetah

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Parawatch Peter

    Hello @Ryan1 thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. To clear up any confusion i was the one who issued the bounty to have you warned / banned. I had spectated you the day prior due to numerous amounts of reports of rulebreaks you had committed, however no one had any concrete...