Search results

  1. Snake

    Accepted Consultant's ability to credit Pharmacists.

    Suggestion Approved Hi @'Moshi' Danin Brooks , Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as accepted.
  2. Snake

    Accepted Add Flamin' 5 Pepper Burger

    Suggestion Approved Hi @Bacon Flapjack , Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as accepted.
  3. Snake

    Partially Accepted Department Funding

    Suggestion Partially Approved Hi @Porcelain , Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons. We are currently working on a similar funds system not too dissimilar from the one suggested here...
  4. Snake

    Accepted Give Either F/CI Cartographer The Old E-11 Bio Model

    Suggestion Approved Hi @L.Saint , Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. We have decided to give the Foundation cartographer the E11 Bio model. Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as accepted.
  5. Snake

    [UK] Blob's Captain Application

    +Support -probably knows Joe bob
  6. Snake

    Alisson Dear OSA App [UK]

    +/- Support Previous cl4 experience Questions about activity (even if you were on loa) None of these cl4 jobs you've held in the last few months
  7. Snake

    [UK] O5-2 "The Humanitarian"

    Large +SUPPORT Ethics member of like 3 eons Great RP Is charles
  8. Snake

    [UK] O5-2 "The Thorn"

    +Support I'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt in regards to vtime as you did good as an assistant and I am reminded of your good work as an SA everytime its mentioned
  9. Snake

    [UK] O5-2 "The Second Horseman"

    -Support While you do good rp and are the most active DEA by a mile I cannot recommend you because of the various inter personal issues I've heard about or seen. A big part of O5 is being able to handle a wide variety of people and their rp no matter what that might be
  10. Snake

    [UK] Keddy's Ambassador Application

    -Support Short not detailed application with little effort Two warns in the last couple weeks
  11. Snake

    Denied Nu-7 Class Rework

    Suggestion Denied Hi @Pod , Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons. At this moment in time Nu-7 have already had a look at their loadout, we believe they do not need a loudout buff. Additionally...
  12. Snake

    Denied Add hacking alerts for Nu7

    Suggestion Denied Hi @'Corbin' , Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons. We believe this is unneeded and wouldn't promote them doing their duties as well as taking away from CI. Your suggestion...
  13. Snake

    Denied How to make the server more fun/playable and more RP orientated

    Suggestion Denied Hi @Betriv , Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons. We are currently in discussion about E11 and dimension raids however we believe an increase to raid timer is unnecessary as...
  14. Snake

    Sophia/Venus' Leaving Post

    o7 CIs RP will be reeling from this blow for months to come
  15. Snake

    [UK] Melon's Gamemaster App #2

    +Support Good and varied event ideas Haven't interacted with you much but I like the ideas
  16. Snake

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Mason Phillips

    +Support Decent interactions Seems level-headed
  17. Snake

    best COM?

    Bros just saying that cause he's on there 😹
  18. Snake

    Zen's Moderator Application

    +Support Active and a forums goblin Very professional too
  19. Snake

    [UK] Big Mike's OSA application
