Search results

  1. ZTQuiz56

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Amarillo ''Magnus''

    I received multiple reports of this player killing people in D-block when I responded to the sit the person told me he was MRDMing after a quick look at logs I pulled him as he had 9 D-class kills in 4 minutes. (If any staff need to see logs Dm me please) I will note when he was pulled he was...
  2. ZTQuiz56

    [USA] Special Agent app Nick Winter

    +Support Goated Dea player
  3. ZTQuiz56

    [USA] Ottomans Second Inspector Application.

  4. ZTQuiz56

    Chris 'butter' pants Inspector Application USA

    +Support -Active and competent ISD that knows his stuff
  5. ZTQuiz56

    SCP-22415 Application USA

    +Support -Good Guy and professional in Nu-7
  6. ZTQuiz56

    [USA] Monty 'Shorts' Security Captain Application

    +Support -Has cool PAC animations
  7. ZTQuiz56

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - "Siri"

    +Support -Long time player knows there stuff
  8. ZTQuiz56

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - xavier montague

    +Support -Very active morning time player for EST -Has a good understanding of rules - Good dude also from what I’ve seen
  9. ZTQuiz56

    [SCP-RP USA] James Scandal ECA Application

  10. ZTQuiz56

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - I don't remember

    Join ts and poke one of the SCP RP Senior admins that you were instructed to reach out for your ban and they will help you.
  11. ZTQuiz56

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Luke332

    +Support OG player was ECA if I remember for a long time and used to be a SMOD I believe a while back overall great guy.
  12. ZTQuiz56

    [US] Johnny "Bear" Hartman Medical Consultant Application

    +Support Great app Never met the guy but the detail in this shows dedication.
  13. ZTQuiz56

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Frank Edwards

    I took the sit and was provided a clip of said player ERPing in the clip he was claiming that another member conducted inappropriate conduct upon themselves, then proceeded to yell there not a girl they have a male genitalia (put in kinder words) then in the sit proceeds to threaten player of...
  14. ZTQuiz56

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Decorefall21

    +Support Active in the community Very friendly Well versed in overall knowledge
  15. ZTQuiz56


    +Support Confused why this is still up only active ISD that helps out great guy.
  16. ZTQuiz56

    [US] "O5-4 The Hierophant"
