Search results

  1. Joe "Enoch"

    [USA] Enochs 3rd ECM app

    List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF O-1 COM, ECA, CI-D, Gensec CPT, and SCP 22415 Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have received 1 warning for metagame 1 for FailRP and 1 for Job Abuse all are not active. What Ethics Committee role are...
  2. Joe "Enoch"

    [US] Harold's Site Advisor Application

    +Support The kids all around the site fear you
  3. Joe "Enoch"

    "FullMoon"s GM Appeal [USA]

    +Support Was a great GM and made fun events.
  4. Joe "Enoch"

    [USA] Lucius "Ignotus" Callum's 2nd ECM application

    -Support dont think you are ready for ECM yet
  5. Joe "Enoch"

    Denied Mayor & Ranger Simple Rework

    +Support (Its been 3 months staff do your staffing)
  6. Joe "Enoch"

    [USA] Enochs SCP-22415

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:198544946 Discord name: Enotch For how long have you played on CN SCP: Age: 15 In what country are you located?: Canada Time zone: AST Character name(s): Enoch/ CI Angelic Civilian name: Jared "Bobby" Bobs What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA Do...
  7. Joe "Enoch"

    Accepted Improve ScipNET Search Feature

  8. Joe "Enoch"

    [USA] 05-4 "The Marine"

    +Support He is just that guy pal
  9. Joe "Enoch"

    [US] Viggo's Security Captain application

    Were you not a captain before??
  10. Joe "Enoch"

    Denied Tranq Cuffing Suggestion

  11. Joe "Enoch"

    Denied Remake breach votes 1 min!

  12. Joe "Enoch"

    Denied Perma Weapon removes Base Weapon

    The o1 com job can equip a perma weapon with out losing anything. For example most times I am running around with a sopmod a mk8 and a aek. If thats how it's supposed to work why does it not work for the o1 com job?