Search results

  1. Grover

    Denied Napoléon SOP rebalance suggestion

    +support I was in Nu-7 for 6 months and they havent changed guns or anything instead of DEA that has been changed multiple times and in my opinion feels more like MTF
  2. Grover

    (UK) Simon Wester Exec Researcher Application (2nd)

    +support +CL4 mature +friendly +Active +Good SCP knowleadge Meat balls _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Held Nu-7 LT/SGT CI G/B/A Gensec Captain Holding O1 CPT 096 whitelist GOC PVT Senior Agent
  3. Grover

    (UK) Simon "Chimera" Wester ECA Application (2nd)

    +Support Friendly Good interractions Can interract and help peope with FLC FLC knowleadge CL4 knowleadge Decend app
  4. Grover

    Broda signing off o/

    O7 Broda you were one of best Game Masters your events were legend. you had alot of senior roles and you were excelent in leading. its sad to see you leaving. Good luck in your life...
  5. Grover

    [UK] "ALFA" ECA Applications

    +support +active +good interactions ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Held Nu-7 LT/SGT CI G/A Gensec Captain Holding O1 LT 096 whitelist
  6. Grover

    "ALFA" Chief Of Security Application [UK]

    +good interactions +i have seen hem alot as captain -app is lacking _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Held Nu-7 LT/SGT CI G/A Gensec Captain Holding O1 LT 096 whitelist Senior agent
  7. Grover

    BAN appeal for rushi

    Your in-game name:Grover Your SteamID: Your steam community link: STEAM_0:1:634260203 Date of ban: 8/7/2023 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): i told admins team to ban me because my steam was solen Who banned you: Rushi Ban length?: permanent What server were you...
  8. Grover

    [Uk] "ALFA" chief of Security application

    +support +active +friendly +have alot of experiences +have been playing CPT for ages _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Held Nu-7 LT/SGT CI G/A Gensec Captain Holding O1 CSG 096 whitelist
  9. Grover

    [UK] Jane "Cuddles" Whitmee Site Advisor Application

    +SUPPORT +Mature +Active +Experienced +Detailed App +Friendly _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Held Nu-7 LT/SGT CI G/A Gensec Captain Holding O1 CSG 096 whitelist
  10. Grover

    [SCP-UK] "The Latvian" Ethics Committee Member Application

    +support +active +good interactions +Cl4 experiences +Ethic knowleadge _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Held Nu-7 LT/SGT CI G/A Gensec Captain Holding O1 SGT 096 whitelist
  11. Grover

    [UK] 'Otters' Ethics Committee Member Application [#4]

    +support ______________________________________________________________ My name is Grover holding positions : O-1 LCPL Gensec CPT Held: Nu-7 LT Nu-7 SGT
  12. Grover

    Denied Disease System

    +podpora More RP in Medical .
  13. Grover

    Denied D-Block Personnel Restrictions

  14. Grover

    Denied Suggestion CPT+ weapon upgrade

    Ty idk why there Is many Reasons to do that
  15. Grover

    Denied Suggestion CPT+ weapon upgrade

    That Is not reason why -support . The fact that it has been here so many times means that most people want this
  16. Grover

    Denied Suggestion CPT+ weapon upgrade

    Yes but i mean captains they have bad equipment