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  1. Dusk

    Accepted D Block Quest giver changes [After 914 change]

    +Support Why would it even have CL5 quests. The quests should be based on what you're actually doing when you escape not quests where you have to escape and then COME BACK after escaping to turn something in, defeating the entire gameplay loop.
  2. Dusk

    Denied Remove the Text showing the Active Code at the Bottom of the Screen

    Like I’ve said in other suggestions, what works for one server doesn’t always work for the other. Each server might handle things differently, one could go 50/50, while the other leans more 60/40, but in the end, they’re both dealing with the same issue, the content that drives those numbers...
  3. Dusk

    Denied Remove the Text showing the Active Code at the Bottom of the Screen

    -Support It's a great idea, however the server is not based around 100% RP, its, at times split 50/50 for combat and RP. All this would do is allow CI and other groups to take advantage of the incompetence of the larger majority of the server and essentially free roam around the facility. We...
  4. Dusk

    Content Suggestion Buff E-11

    +Support E-11 is just NU-7 with containment beams. SCPs are supposed be fun but not at the expense of the entire server. *edit I would say not a flat damage resistance or damage increase buff but a timer put on E-11 that increases these things overtime. If E-11 can handle it immediately...
  5. Dusk

    Denied E&TS/Engineering Restructure

    +/- Support Really no need unless you give the same treatment to other reactionary jobs like chef . It's a decent idea but unless you dedicated more content to it, people will just treat it the same way it's treated now.
  6. Dusk

    Denied Allow Foundation Tactical Tablet for SC, SA, Nu7 Maj +, DEA Manager+

    +/- Support Tac Tablet is definitely a decent idea but I think expanding on the long forgotten pieces of content would be more beneficial instead of adding more to combat. Considering 50% of what happens on the server is topside and most of the factions that engage with that content as well...
  7. Dusk

    [SCP-RP USA] Dusk's Executive Researcher Application #2

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51562722 Discord name: .Kore For how long have you played on CG SCP: Age: 30 In what country are you located?: United States Time zone: Eastern Standard Time Character name(s): Vito 'Dusk' Civilian name: "Dusk" What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP...
  8. Dusk

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    I’ve never played GamingLight, but the fact that they’ve fizzled out while we’re still going strong says a lot about how much people still enjoy this game. That being said, there’s definitely a downside, we’re losing new players, unique visitors, and even retention for those who stick around...
  9. Dusk

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    I’ve got a pretty solid idea of how Site Administration works. Out of all the groups, their workload isn’t all that complicated. To be successful as an Administrative leader, it’s more about being diplomatic and interpersonal than anything else, it’s not overly technical or demanding in other...
  10. Dusk

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    I wouldn’t say that exactly. The main point I was trying to make is that I put a lot of thought into the post, made it detailed, and included important material that answers a lot of potential questions. But from what I’ve seen, people clearly skimmed over those parts. Your initial response...
  11. Dusk

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    Absolutely not, I really do appreciate the constructive criticism and the fact that you took the time to share your thoughts! That said, I think the point might’ve been misunderstood. I’m pretty sure I explained what talent acquisition would mean for this system, and it doesn’t have anything to...
  12. Dusk

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    If those projects were really aimed at making the server more enjoyable, then I’ll give credit where it’s due, at least there was an attempt. But honestly, I’ve never heard of ‘Project Fix-It’ or ‘Project Mentality,’ and I can’t say I’ve noticed any changes because of them. Just rotating people...
  13. Dusk

    Denied SRU Rework

    +support Bare minimum, giving them a CL3 would do wonders for the kit. My previous advocation for SRU were: Reduce SRU -> 6 slots (possibly increase officer slots) Give SRU CL3 Remove Officer Patrol Kit Have SRU be the only rotating loadout kit They do as the name suggests, they are a response...
  14. Dusk

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    Name one instance where efforts from Site Administration have improved the overall quality of the server. This does not include: Rehashing words in already existing rulings. Negotiating the same two treaties with the GOC or CI, only to go against them within two weeks and start a war. Making...
  15. Dusk

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    You’re right, this is all tied to mismanagement and overly complicated processes that drag things out and stop critical issues from being fixed when they really need to be. It’s not just Site Administration causing this, either, it’s a collective mess of mistakes that keep piling up. The...
  16. Dusk

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    You’re right, it should be fun and rewarding to create an environment people actually enjoy being part of. But the problem is, systems like this often create silent bubbles where people think, "If I just follow these steps, I’ll get what I want." It becomes more about skating by than actually...
  17. Dusk

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    I’ll admit, I tend to ramble and repeat myself it’s just how I think when putting ideas down. But you’re right to question the structure, because the more we try to mix realism with roleplay, the less sense it actually makes. For all intents and purposes those three groups do exactly that...
  18. Dusk

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    Well said, but the reality is that any human operated system will always be vulnerable to activity lulls and poor management, no matter how many checks or redundancies are in place. The only way to completely avoid these issues would be to replace human roles with computers or AI designed to...
  19. Dusk

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    The suggested system isn’t convoluted but rather compartmentalized. Currently, there are three positions (Advisor, Manager, Director) doing essentially the same thing. The only real differences are: How they’re appointed (one internal, two by application). Their place in the hierarchy, which...