Search results

  1. Monarch

    Chief Of security application

    - SUPPORT Positives Active IG/TS Neutral Have had one or two good interactions with. Negatives Warnings ( You haven't even been bothered to contact staff for an amount. ) Bad history based off the verdicts above. Grammar is atrocious in this application, if you are gonna apply...
  2. Monarch

    Polaris Staff Appeal (Inactivity Demotion)

    - SUPPORT Positives N/A Neutral Honestly no clue you were staff. Unsure on rule knowledge. Only seen a few times in game unfortunately. Negatives Pan's verdict seems to sum things up. Got demoted a day from when you were about to get mentored. Good Luck.
  3. Monarch

    Best Civil Gamers Server ?

    Added :)
  4. Monarch

    Need help ASAP SCP-RP...

    Hello Orang3, Regarding the loading characters bug, usually it'll take a few minutes to load in, otherwise restart your game. If you are still having difficulties please join the discord server and talk in the technical bugs channel. Regards, Monarch.
  5. Monarch

    Best Civil Gamers Server ?

    What is the best server
  6. Monarch

    Pustel'ga's Game Master Application

    + SUPPORT Positives Active IG/TS. Friendly. Decent event ideas. Neutral Haven’t had much roleplay interactions with. ( Probably due to him being a CI.) Warnings. Negatives N/A Good Luck.
  7. Monarch

    Security Captain Application - Big Dave

    +/- SUPPORT Positives Good application. Combat Experience. Active IG. Neutral Unsure on TS Activity. No interactions in roleplay with. Light warning. Negatives N/A Good Luck.
  8. Monarch

    Michael Goyski's Director of IA Application

    + SUPPORT Positives Beautiful application. Have had good roleplay with. Active IG. Neutral Unsure on TS activity. Unsure on maturity. Negatives Extreme amount of warnings. Good Luck.
  9. Monarch

    Stephen Gevanni Chief of Medicine application

    +/- SUPPORT Positives Well made application. Have had some roleplay with. Neutral Unsure on activity IG/TS. Warnings. Negatives N/A Good Luck.
  10. Monarch

    Pan's O5-3 application "The Unknowing"

    + SUPPORT Positives Well made application. Have had good and fun roleplay with. Friendly. Insanely active IG/TS. Neutral N/A Negatives N/A Good Luck.
  11. Monarch

    Alexander's executive researcher application

    +/- SUPPORT Positives Decently made application. Experience within the researcher sector. Been playing since server start. Neutral Unsure on activity IG/TS Haven’t had any roleplay interactions with. Light warning Negatives N/A Good Luck.