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  1. Luft

    make it fail rp to have HCZ blast doors closed for no reason

    Which blast door specifically, is it the one closest to 079 etc? If so that's not intended, its supposed to stay open
  2. Luft

    Kane 'Bolt' Johnson's Level 3 Demotion Appeal

    Hi, a L1/L2 appeal was not created beforehand to creating this appeal. Opting to escalate straight to a L3 appeal without first performing either a L1/L2 appeal.
  3. Luft

    Denied Nuke Room Raid Requirements

    This is something that should already be taken into account by any Senior Admin+ accepting Nuke Raids.
  4. Luft

    Denied CI Being allowed to Nuke

    Alright, this was left up for a while however the general consensus that was agreed upon is if members of Site Command or MTF for that matter do not properly roleplay as if C.I can actually detonate this nuke then it'd be FailRP. There are certain circumstances where this doesn't fall true, and...
  5. Luft

    Not a goodbye...

  6. Luft

    Broda's leaving...

    We need salt
  7. Luft

    Broda's leaving...

    sorry to see you going to the shops, bring me some eggs
  8. Luft

    Unmute me

    Hi, please follow the format that can be found here; Please edit your original post to adhere to the above ^
  9. Luft

    Disallow "soft" surface RP resets without SL+ Permission

    Alrighty, here's what I'm going to say regarding this matter. Mass Kidnapping Civilians is somewhat fine, as long as an extremely good reasoning is given for it and it's properly roleplayed. (E.G after kidnapping them, you amnesticate them). Mass Terminating them is absolutely not okay, RDM...
  10. Luft

    Disallow "soft" surface RP resets without SL+ Permission

    ^ The kidnapping is fine, however termination of Civilians needlessly has never been allowed. They aren't D-Class
  11. Luft

    Disallow "soft" surface RP resets without SL+ Permission

    I don't believe the "mass termination" of civilians is a thing that's actually happening, and if it is happening then it should be reported to staff. As for the Mass Kidnapping, it's sort of understandable as there's no "real" identification method for civilians. With that being said, the "mass...
  12. Luft

    [UK] Shadow's TGM Demotion Appeal

    Please wait out the remainder of your current Staff/GM Blacklist as you still have 1month & 3 weeks left of your Blacklist. Feel free to create another Demotion Appeal after this period.
  13. Luft

    (UK) "Florida" Level 3 DEA Demontion Appeal

    Hi, @FnordJ You are not able to jump straight to a level 3 appeal, please take a look at the demotion template / rules that Cloak has listed within Locked and moved due to the above.
  14. Luft

    Changing CI R&D from Non-Combative to Combative, or allowing them to participate in CI Raids

    Suggestion Accepted Hi @BoltSive This suggestion has been accepted, and has been fully implemented / clarified within the ruleset. Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
  15. Luft

    Denied Inversion rule change for Thaumotoligist, server, or conduct code wise

    Suggestion Denied Hi @ATOM Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. I understand the premise of why this suggestion was created, however we feel that this change is unneeded at the very moment due to how nerfed the inversion ability would become including the impossible...
  16. Luft

    Denied Increasing raid timer for CI

    Suggestion Denied Hi @chris tomatoe poop Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. At this very moment, we do not believe that this suggestion is required. Especially with the current limitations that CI has regarding certain types of breaches, for instance SCP-008. With this...