Search results

  1. Mitski

    Ternith Plague's Gamemaster Application

    +Support Good application and would be a nice addition to the team. One thing I do recommend is going into more detail on your missions.
  2. Mitski

    [USA] Maurice Alton's 2nd GM application

    +Support Good addition to the team
  3. Mitski

    [USA] Randal's Gamemaster Resignation Appeal

    +An ungodly amount of support
  4. Mitski

    Denied Type Blue / Green Inversion Rework

    -Support Just use a Scranton, and I don't see how it is more realistic, in a place.. with a talking lizard.. a man with a sword who regenerates.. an empty suit of armor that can walk.. etc.
  5. Mitski

    "FullMoon"s GM Appeal [USA]

    +MAJOR SUPPORT Somebody running into AA and grabbing something, then using it on another person is an IN CHARACTER issue and should never be brought OUT OF CHARACTER. It needs to be brought to the Ethics Committee, this demotion was unjust due to the fact he got demoted for an IC issue.
  6. Mitski

    [USA] Moderator Application.

    +Support -Good interactions -Got to know rules after mishaps (Happens to 65% of new players)
  7. Mitski

    [USA] Mitski's Ethics Assistant Application

  8. Mitski

    Zeus "Checked" Marco's Game master Application [US]

    +/- A lot of warns Active on site I recommend using colors to your advantage, it will make it a lot easier to read and pinpoint what is what.
  9. Mitski

    [USA] Mitski’s Overseer Assistant Application

    I wish to give the foundation more RP based gameplay, well as much as i can. I would like it to be my first main non combative CL4 as i have mained combat for a while. I do enjoy writing up stuff like documents or lore because I can often get very into it whenever I do. This gives me the...
  10. Mitski

    Jupiter's CI PAC

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): Officer jobs in CI Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:83019536 Photograph of PAC:
  11. Mitski

    Denied Generator Changes (CI) [USA/UK]

    Updated wording in post
  12. Mitski

    Denied Generator Changes (CI) [USA/UK]

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion will add an actual real usage to CI's generator in their back room, it only turns off the lights and I never see anyone using that ever, that room is completely useless due to the fact there is 0 use but turning on and off lights. This...
  13. Mitski

    Accepted Allow ERT to heal back to 600 HP

    -Support Maybe be able to heal up to 200, but there will be ERT that get hit once or half way and go heal back up, and consistently do that making it way too powerful to fight against the SCPs
  14. Mitski

    Accepted Improve ScipNET Search Feature

  15. Mitski

    Mitski's 076 Pac Request

    :D just had one approve it
  16. Mitski

    KingOfCommon's Game Master Application [US]

    +/- Support - Events need more description I recommend using colors to make it easier to pinpoint what is what.