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  1. Nonky


    How are you all doing today?
  2. Nonky

    Harry Nolan's Second Moderator Application [UK]

    Hi! Thanks for making a moderator application. Today I will be giving you a neutral. +Active +Good vtime +/- Few overall interactions Unfortunately I don't know you well enough to be able to give a proper verdict, however everything else in relation to your activity and application are good...
  3. Nonky

    Doctor Who RP...

  4. Nonky

    [UK] Red's Resignation Appeal

    +Support I've nothing but good words to say about him. I hope he gets reinstated. Definitely one of the best SL I've worked under and with.
  5. Nonky

    [UK] Melon's First Application

    Hi! Thanks for making an application. Today, I'll be giving you a neutral. I have amended my response. You will be getting a +support. -Good application -Good interactions overall, Mature. -No previous warnings -Decent Vtime After speaking to you recently in game and on external comms, I...
  6. Nonky

    Admin Application for CrispyBread Would be Honored to help the server

    Hi, Please update your application to follow the appeal, otherwise it will be denied Kind regards, Nonky
  7. Nonky


  8. Nonky

    [UK] Consultant Application

    MASSIVE +Support -How isn't this man consultant -Great RP -Extremely active on medical jobs -Friendly
  9. Nonky

    Coolioo's Goners

    Locked for necroposting
  10. Nonky

    Nick "Winter" 096 application [USA]

    Application Denied Hi, Unfortunately your 096 application has been denied. The reason being that the community outlook on you is very poor at the moment (as stated by the replies on the application) and you have an extensive list of active warns. 096 is a more RP heavy SCP, so the several active...
  11. Nonky

    Denied Joint ISD Comms

    -Support There are plenty of facilities where O-1 and A-1 are able to communicate, both in game and on discord. There generally isnt much of a need for both taskforces to be in the same voice channel aside from joint CI raids, trainings, etc which are fairly rare.
  12. Nonky

    Denied Add obstacle course to killhouse

    -support No need for parkour when active combat is typically on a level playing field (excluding surface combat, where even then there is no parkour)
  13. Nonky

    Accepted Lower the volume of the train in HCZ or overall

    +support The train is very loud. Still have flashbacks from the incessant noise while stationed at 008.
  14. Nonky

    Accepted Printing Credit increase

    +Support I don't play many jobs where document printing is needed, however I don't see any problems with this. If the credit limit isn't increased, at the very least reduce the time interval per credit.
  15. Nonky

    Conor mc gee's SCP-RP UK Moderator application (3)

    Hi, Thank you for applying for moderator! Today, I will be giving you a neutral. -Active -Few interactions overall - 2 active warnings (One due for expiry and no new ones since the last moderator application) -Good Application Due to the lack of interactions, I cannot properly judge your...
  16. Nonky

    Calvin "The Usurper" Lucien's Moderator Application[UK]

    Hi, Thank you for applying for moderator! Today, I'll be giving you a +support -Mature -Good Interactions -Active After considering previous interactions, both in and out of character, I'm of the opinion that you are suitable for the position. Good Luck! Nonky
  17. Nonky

    [UK] Nonky Sussman's 096 Application

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:483199493 Discord name: nickyteddy (nickname nonky sussman on the server) For how long have you played on CG SCP: about half a year or so, not 100% sure Age: 20 In what country are you located?:Ireland Time zone: GMT Character name(s): Nonky Sussman, Nonky Wonky Civilian name...
  18. Nonky

    Wybert "Goober" Lucien 2nd application for Ambassador of internal affairs <UK>

    +Support +goober +Serious when appropriate
  19. Nonky

    Ban Appeals SCP Server

    Hi, Thank you for making the appeal. The reason I banned you was because you had left the server mid sit and you didn't rejoin within 10 minutes. I would like to make the comment though that the disconnect seemed spontaneous as it was mid conversation. Whether it was deliberate or not I'm...