Search results

  1. Noah Dingle/'Shepherd'

    Accepted Quality of life changes

    +Support I wanna make my metagame expierence better
  2. Noah Dingle/'Shepherd'

    Accepted IA senior agent

  3. Noah Dingle/'Shepherd'

    Denied The "Medical Gun"

    +support I think we should also add teleporters and dispensers to ERT since they already can put down turrets
  4. Noah Dingle/'Shepherd'

    [UK] Dennid's Director of External Affairs Application #2

    +Support +It is Dennid +It is Dennid +It is Dennid +It is Dennid
  5. Noah Dingle/'Shepherd'

    [UK] Daniel Hammer's Ethics Committee Member Application #2

    +Support +for some reason I think of Jack Daniels when I hear your name
  6. Noah Dingle/'Shepherd'

    Biscuits leaving CN

    o7, bad deepcover I always recognized your voice
  7. Noah Dingle/'Shepherd'

    [UK] Rook's Captain Application

    +Support +Great Nu-7 LT
  8. Noah Dingle/'Shepherd'


    Okay, check your mailbox
  9. Noah Dingle/'Shepherd'

    Denied Door code addition for Captain/CoS office

    +Support If GSD can not have doorcoded door why do consultants get it
  10. Noah Dingle/'Shepherd'

    Denied Increase civ vehicle horsepower

    +Support + I want to commit a MVDM
  11. Noah Dingle/'Shepherd'

    Denied Adding Scp-3114 From Secret lab

    +Support + I want to play as a skinwalker