Search results

  1. LuZ

    Legion Kuo's Staff application!!

    +SUPPORT +Active IG/TS3 +Nice guy +Low warnings
  2. LuZ

    Zaps Gamemaster application

    +/- NEUTRAL +Active IG/TS3 +Good event ideas -Questionable maturity
  3. LuZ

    Kite's Gamemaster Application

    +SUPPORT +Good application +Good event ideas +Long time player
  4. LuZ

    Sandwalkers NHC application

    Application Withdrawn The applicant has chosen to withdraw their application at this time.
  5. LuZ

    Vamp's NHC Application

    Application Accepted Please contact a Lieutenant General or above when you are on TeamSpeak to undergo the next steps of joining NATO High Command.
  6. LuZ

    It's been a good year

    ISAF's second biggest minge ? (Jackson Steenberg is 1st). Goodbye ISAF MAJ Vale [SEFO] [MFO] ? @Josh Joshson fr.
  7. LuZ

    giorgi_qadaria's Staff application

    -SUPPORT -Mingy Application -Terrible Application -Never seen in-game
  8. LuZ

    Skeebiesquid Staff Application

    +SUPPORT +Active IG/TS3 +Friendly & Approachable +No Warnings
  9. LuZ

    olegi staff app

    -SUPPORT -Immature -Excessive Warnings -Excessive Bans -Recent Bans -Recent Warnings
  10. LuZ

    Fexxy's Moderator app

    -SUPPORT +Active -/+Not had too many interactions -Recent warning this month Hi Fexxy, I will unfortunately be going with a -support for your application. The reason for this is although I know you are active, I haven't had too many interactions with you to give you any other positives. Due...
  11. LuZ

    StefanZEW's Moderator Application

    +SUPPORT +Friendly +Active IG/TS3 +Low warnings -Poor application Despite the fact that I think your application is lacking a lot of detail, I do believe the positives outweigh the one negative here so I will be giving you a +support.
  12. LuZ

    Doofy's Moderator Application

    NEUTRAL +Very active IG/TS3 +Friendly & mature +Low warnings -Recent warning Hi Doofy, I believe you'll make a brilliant staff member due to your activity as well as your low warnings clearly showing you do know the ruels, however, due to your recent warning this month I cannot give you a...
  13. LuZ

    Spoopi's Moderator Application

    NEUTRAL +Active IG/TS3 +Friendly +Good Application -Recent warning Hi Spoopi, as much as I like you and think you'd make a great staff member due to how active and friendly you are with everyone, I cannot give you a +support due to the recent warning. Personally I believe that people should...
  14. LuZ

    Meez's Staff Application

    NEUTRAL Not had any interactions
  15. LuZ

    Nick Lances Ban Appeal

    Hi Nick, I’m only replying here to give my opinion about the ban I gave out. In regards to your ban, on the complaint you’ve made and from what I’ve heard from multiple players you have stated the “training” in which led to your MRDM ban took place in the simulation room, however, in the...
  16. LuZ

    Dukem's NHC App

    Application Accepted Please contact a Lieutenant General or above when you are on TeamSpeak to undergo the next steps of joining NATO High Command.
  17. LuZ

    Mate Blackwood's Resignation Appeal

    -SUPPORT - Received 3 warnings in the last month - Questionable activity - Application lacking detail - Unsure about if your toxicity in OOC has improved Hi Mate Blackwood, as a result of you having a recent warning two weeks ago I am going to have to go with a -support. As well as this...
  18. LuZ

    Lucid's Moderator app

    -SUPPORT - Poor application - Hasn't met age requirement - Not seen active IG/TS3 Please do not reply to each individual verdict on your application, instead do one big reply addressing multiple verdicts.
  19. LuZ

    Jimothy Leaderson's Moderator Application

    +SUPPORT + Active IG/TS3 + Always trying to help + Low amount of warnings
  20. LuZ

    Kevin's Moderator Application

    +SUPPORT + Active IG/TS3 + Low warnings + Good application +/- Would prefer to have more interactions