Search results

  1. Alex

    Dukem's Second Moderator Application

    +Support +Activity. +Generally a nice bloke. +Good rule knowledge. - App could use more detail. - you need to explain the warns as the question asked to the best of your ability. Other than that I don't see a reason you shouldn't be a staff member. Best of luck!
  2. Alex

    Erwin Smith's Demotion Appeal

    +Support +Nice guy +easy to talk to +Ex-SA so defiantly good rule knowledge +Maturity Best of luck!
  3. Alex

    Fafnir / Serberus Game Master Application

    Neutral Not enough interactions.
  4. Alex

    alpha rest / game master application

    Neutral I haven't had any interactions that I can think of with you IG or in TS. Good luck!
  5. Alex

    Kamil's Game Master Application

    +Support +Good activity +Good maturity +good event ideas
  6. Alex

    Ilya's Staff Application.

    Neutral -Not enough interactions Good luck!
  7. Alex

    Shadow-Wrath Staff Application

    Neutral Just haven't had enough interaction to confidently make a verdict. Good luck non the less!
  8. Alex

    Ace's CG MRP Moderator First Applictaion

    -Neutral -Little to no interactions
  9. Alex

    Jack G Staff Application

    +Support +Active +Rule knowledge +Mature Not much more needs to be said he is most certainly staff material.
  10. Alex

    Sins's Demotion Appeal

    +Support -Nice guy -Activity has improved -Rule knowledge has not deteriorated
  11. Alex


    -Support -Your warnings and ban history is immense and you haven't explained them as the question asked -Very little effort put into the application (I recommend having a look at other application for the standard that is expect in staff apps) -Your reputation is known for being a minge...
  12. Alex

    roach staff application

    +Support +Active IG and in TS +Mature +Nice guy I see no reason for you not to get staff Good luck!
  13. Alex

    Captain Rex NHC APP

    +Support -Has already lead plenty of wars -Mature -Active in game and in TS -Nice guy Good luck!
  14. Alex

    Dmitri's Demotion Appeal

    Neutral All though i have had only minimal interaction with you I know your a nice guy from my experiences but that's all I really know about you. None the less good luck!
  15. Alex

    Harvey's MRP moderator application

    +Support +Active IG and in TS +Good Rule knowledge (Tested) +Approachable and a nice guy in general +Knows the community +Well write application Harvey, Your maturity has most definitely improved in the last month and it shows you are a far better player than you used to be and For these...
  16. Alex

    Senpai's Resignation Appeal

    Neutral No interactions.