Your Discord name & tag: megamind_69420#2038
What server is this for, Network, CityRP, SCP or MRP?: MRP
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 662350381635993642
Date of ban (if known): A couple of months ago
Reason for ban (if known): transphobia + toxicity
Who banned you...
@Cloak pls explain why you are shouting at CG players in this clip? this is something that a staff member would not do, so pls come in TS to discuss this matter
Your Discord name & tag: megamind69#2038
What server is this for, CityRP, SCP or MRP?: MRP
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 662350381635993642
Date of ban (if known): April 23rd
Reason for ban (if known): racism and toxicity
Who banned you?: falcon
Prior to this, have you...
so since many OGs are making their leaving posts i might as well make mines
ik last time i made one of these i just joined SCP-RP and CC and didnt really leave, but rn i dont like playing video games as much as i used to, enjoying more things then sitting inside all day doing gmod Military...
kinda weird how you didnt ping me in this, we are legit best friends since day 1 when we were in JAF a year ago but also
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