Search results

  1. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [US] “The Vader" O5-3 Application (2)

    +Support from the UK Anakin has always shown a keen interest in departmental affairs and during an external comms meeting had some fantastic advice to offer that helped to improve the subdivisions of both the UK and US GSDs. During my visit to Site-56 I had a lot of questions to ask about how...
  2. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] GSD CPT application John "spartan" Hill

    APPLICATION APPROVED Would you kindly contact Chief of Security 'Eidolon' so that an interview can be arranged. You are reminded that an interview is a non-negotiable requirement for progression to the rank of GSD Captain and that it is a failable test. - Eidolon
  3. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] GSD CPT application John "spartan" Hill

    Would you kindly elaborate on what help was given?
  4. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Eden's Chief of Security Application

    +Support Spearhead has proven himself capable for all of his current duties and has clearly demonstrated fitness to accept more. He works dilligently alongside the senior GSD team to develop our external documents and can evidence an excellent standard of literacy. During debate with other...
  5. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Harry Nolan's Chief of Medicine application

    -Support I personally believe that Mr. Nolan is much too talented as Mayor of Pinewood to waste his potential in a director position inside the Foundation.
  6. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Security Captain Application (UK)

    + Support Has a strong grasp of the role a Gensec Captain plays on site Fantastic Lore Has expressed an interest in nurturing new recruits - which is of paramount importance in Gensec as we have some of the Site's entry-level jobs and providing them with a good experience and some information...
  7. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] 'boku' Miyu GENSEC Captain Application

    +Support Good experience pool from Nu7 CPL and RExec positions The insights you have given of the daily duties a Gensec Captain faces are accurate and well founded Expressed an interest in using a CL4 position to create RP Noted that Captains have a duty to mentor and educate less experienced...
  8. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Tac's Security Captain Application

    -Neutral+ In your application you accurately define the fundemental duties of a Gensec Captain which is good to see however your experience pool doesn't give me much confidence that you are ready for it yet. You have held the rank of private in Nu7 and Specialist in E-11 but nothing further...
  9. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Arm broken

    No excuses get back on site and kill some CI
  10. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Jeremy´s GM Application 2

    +support Has dedicated an infathomable amount of time to creating RP through the various research roles he has played and joining the GM team would give him the tools needed to provide a great deal more entertainment. He has a tremendous volume of knowledge on a large number of SCPs, their...
  11. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Millzy's Director of Research Application #2

    +support Detailed and well presented application Has a large experience pool to draw from Clean record Observable evidence he is ready to don more responsibility -Support Did not express enough interest in using a CL4 position to create RP