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  1. Random_User

    SCP-22415 Fox Application

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:637019762 Discord name: computer_idk For how long have you played on CN SCP: 2-3 Years Age:19 In what country are you located?: USA Time zone: EST Character name(s): Fox Civilian name: Fox What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA Do you have a mic...
  2. Random_User

    [USA] Joe "Money" Lifts ECA app

    -Support To much colors
  3. Random_User

    chiling fr

    chiling fr
  4. Random_User

    Denied The removal of 073

    -Support Maybe We could make 073 only playable with SCP Level 15 and total level 40 We dont wanna remove the SCP also nobody plays him so idk whats the point
  5. Random_User

    [ O5 - 3 ] " The Evanescent " Cover - Dossier

    my head hurts im not reading this +support No Disrespect but do you leave your house???
  6. Random_User

    False ban

    Your in-game name:Fox[Redacted] Your SteamID: SteamID: STEAM_0:0:637019762 Your steam community link: Date of ban:OCT 17 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): it says stacked banns plus Ltaped Who banned you:Wade Ban length?: 2 weeks What server were you banned on...
  7. Random_User

    [USA] Fox's IA Ambasador Application

    I havent been job banned?
  8. Random_User

    [USA] Fox's IA Ambasador Application

    Yea it was bc gensec kept cross firing Me you cant just put something up here and you dont know the story
  9. Random_User

    [USA] Fox's IA Ambasador Application

    Steam ID:SteamID: STEAM_0:0:637019762 Discord name:ꪻꫝꫀ ᭙ꪖꪻᥴꫝꫀ᥅#9999 For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 months Age:17 In what country are you located?:USA Time zone:EST Character name(s): Foundation Fox [Redacted] CI Fox[CI-S] Civilian name: Fox 013 What server are you applying for...
  10. Random_User

    Fourms tags

    In-game Name:Fox[Redacted] Steam ID:SteamID: STEAM_0:0:637019762 Tags Missing:Thaumil vip
  11. Random_User

    Very late hello.

  12. Random_User

    Very late hello.

  13. Random_User

    [USA] Dr.Swanson Deputy DoR application

    +Support +Great Researcher +Great introduction´s +Wonderful docs +Respectfuf Old Jobs Executive Researcher Nu7-PVT CI-Gamma New Jobs Epsilon-11 Nine tailed SPC Fox [I get my promotion So soon to be E-11 LCPL] Internal agent Fox Intell agent Fox RRT SGT Fox...
  14. Random_User

    Exeuctive researcher Application

    yea no Your gonna be denied ive never seen you ever Also you put almost no work into this -------------Support Dpt of research if you accepted him i would be very confused
  15. Random_User

    Biscuits Executive researcher app

    3 times well now 4
  16. Random_User

    Biscuits Executive researcher app

    you said 2 things really?
  17. Random_User

    Biscuits Executive researcher app

    Also there freedom you apply is that you can have guns and your gun is mean to protect your self not murder someone bc you can you can still be arrested by an internal ambass so you wont be off the hook