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  1. nathancheetah

    Mod App by Tiago

    - Support - Bad application, not much written and not in much detail - Lack of NWO interaction
  2. nathancheetah

    Christopher Cristiano's Mod App

    - Support - Weak Application - Very little interaction with NWO (could lead to bias)
  3. nathancheetah

    Stefan NWO Application

    +Support Stefan will literally be the best SC there is (P.S. He also loves lightskin men)
  4. nathancheetah

    Cloudyy's Moderator application

    +Support For his age he has acted maturely in every scenario I have seen him in
  5. nathancheetah

    Nayr Kcalb's Moderator Application

    +Support For all reasons stated above that are positive I think he would be brilliant, very nice guy when I interact with him
  6. nathancheetah

    Marv's Fit Gamemaster Application

    +Support He is very active and does not cause much trouble
  7. nathancheetah

    Denied Add a "Promote" function to the player interaction menu

    +Support Good idea, but add it to the bottom of the Devs' lists
  8. nathancheetah

    Lakot's Developer Application

    +/- Neutral Lack of detail in the application and not loads of past experience shown But if all is true could be useful
  9. nathancheetah

    Sandwalkers MRP mapper application H++

    +Support Well known and respected player, could be a vital asset to the mapping team
  10. nathancheetah

    Jei's Moderator Application

    +/- Neutral Has not be very interactive with the community from what I have seen
  11. nathancheetah

    Stig's Gamemaster Application

    -Support USA server does not exist, and if he wants to apply for the UK server now then I do not know him enough
  12. nathancheetah

    Denied Re-rework wars

    + Support The fact we lose our progress after every single war just sucks, it means players do not really care and teams have absolutely no progress. We have tested it now and I think it is time to go back to how it was but with these new modes
  13. nathancheetah

    Accepted Add a cooldown to flamer/juggernaut jobs

    To be quite honest Juggs are quite easily to kill, sure it will take you like 5 lives but it is not that hard, flamers are also easy to kill and only take like 2/3 lives to kill
  14. nathancheetah

    Accepted Add a cooldown to flamer/juggernaut jobs

    +/-Support If a player has been able to get that much combat score then it is fair play they should be able to use it as much as they want But I do see the frustration of when a regiment stacks all their flamers and jugg for one war and just uses them one after the other to guarantee the win
  15. nathancheetah


  16. nathancheetah

    Dukems NHC App #2

    +Support God leader
  17. nathancheetah

    Accepted Rebalance stingers

    +Support I just think if the way the stingers follow the helis better, then it would be fine. Not like the be 100% hit, but just make them slightly better
  18. nathancheetah

    Denied Make Trainees neutral.

    -Support The trainer would just make them join their side as stated in the negatives
  19. nathancheetah

    Denied XP Boost to faction with less Total Hours Played

    -Support > This idea does not support people who like to main one side, like for example people who have been playing on this server for a long time and do not want to swap sides, it would just be bad for them > Also this isn't the real 'core', there is only one real Core