Search results

  1. nathancheetah

    Accepted Award FOB construction XP on structure completion rather than periodically

    -Support There are other issues devs need to work on, this isn't really needed atm
  2. nathancheetah

    Accepted Changes / Fixes to Voice Amp

    +Support Although, I do agree what Nirvan said tbf
  3. nathancheetah

    Accepted Civilan Regiments

  4. nathancheetah

    Accepted Have Teams switch sides

    +Support @Lee Falzone Kinda hot though
  5. nathancheetah

    Denied Event idea

    -Support Go play SCP mate
  6. nathancheetah

    Denied SAS deposit Box

  7. nathancheetah

    Tank Regiment Rp improvements

  8. nathancheetah

    Accepted Unlink respawn timers from death count

    +Support People just leave the server and join back to reset their respawn timer
  9. nathancheetah

    Accepted Nwo

    +Support But they are aware
  10. nathancheetah

    Denied War of attrition change

    +Support War of Attrition is literally just a killing frenzy and it feels unfair for the side that loses
  11. nathancheetah

    Denied change NWO to CSTO

    -Support We haven't even changed maps yet pal
  12. nathancheetah

    Denied Increase time for "Vehicle Reconissince"

    -Support Personally, I am able to do this with a decent chunk of time left over, I like the time pressure, makes it a little more difficulty and also fun
  13. nathancheetah

    Accepted Rally Points

    +Support for 7mins
  14. nathancheetah

    Accepted Server placement balance

    + Support
  15. nathancheetah

    Denied Update Hall of Honour

  16. nathancheetah

    Denied More time

    Tbh maybe if NHC were encouraged not to have such long DBs that would work instead
  17. nathancheetah

    Denied MPK/AOR Anti Armour

    -Huge Support