I've had a PAC denied because it was combatively disadvantageous to ME to have it on, like, I know, I made the thing, if I want to get into a combative situation I'll just take it off 😭
PAC Requesting Approval
PAC Requested (Which job): GOC
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:36620018
Photograph of PAC:
Born in the colony of Jamestown, Archibald had been lost in what came to be known as KTE-416 for nearly four hundred years after his family had been executed for occult activities...
I've worked with Klatch regularly for the past months both on Foundation and UNGOC, and while it would be sad to lose them as a co-captain I think they truly are suited for the role as DoM.
i know from the outset this seems like a silly suggestion, after all like the beginning of the post says something like this has only been suggested in mess-hall which... is mess-hall, but I really do think this is a good way to deal with some of the issues we've been having on the server for a...
oof, guess it doesn't work, could've sworn i've seen it used before. Y'all can just deny or delete this then since it'd require a whole mod at this point?
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Would enable players to use the aforementioned command to allow the third person model to be drawn instead of the viewmodel
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge, no.
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