Search results

  1. Blue

    Buy cash with VPOINTS

    10$ for 10 vpoints
  2. Blue

    Anakin Groundrunner's Goodbye!

    So you post this a week after your introduction?
  3. Blue

    Leaving Because of Staff Incompetence......

    So I guess stealing like 10$ worth of food is death penalty? Just ask an agent to arrest him. Because in real life you won't kill someone for doing that, thats RP
  4. Blue

    Buy cash with VPOINTS

    ok how do i get 800
  5. Blue

    Thank you again

  6. Blue


    bro is 99% suggestion denied
  7. Blue

    [USA] Nicholas Leg's Executive Researcher Application

    +Support + Good Application + Dedicated + 23 Excellent Documents + Seen on Research multiple times
  8. Blue


  9. Blue

    Anakin is not Panakin “Vader”

  10. Blue

    thats not right. The actualy histor of bread is: Moredn Breadra. the industrilatizon of...

    thats not right. The actualy histor of bread is: Moredn Breadra. the industrilatizon of beradb-aching wasd a fomrative setp in creation the of the modren world, for genreations. whit ebread ewas the preferd bread the of white peolep while the black aet the dark braed
  11. Blue

    [UK] Captain Application

    [US Guy] Hey @deme2011, your application lacks effort and detail, the answers are only 1 sentence long and barely answer the questions. I suggest you look at other accepted applications from other people before you attempt to apply. Good luck on your journey!
  12. Blue

    Joe "Enoch" Gensec CPT APP [US]

    +/- Neutral (Leaning to +Support) + Dedicated + In A-6 Sub-Division + Good Interactions - App lacks detail I feel like Enoch would make a good addition to the captain team and can see doing good work, however the application lacks detail and answers. I suggest you look through other accepted...
  13. Blue

    ???????'? ????????????? :3

  14. Blue

    Is anyone there?

    [END] *Chuckles 106-SCP* *Gurgling* *Stops Abruptly Sobbing* *Sobbing* *Scream Human-In* [DIMENSION POCKET ENTERS CLASS-D] *Scream* *Crunching Bones* *Noise Cracking* *Noise Slopping* [CHAMBER ENTER 106] AGH AHH WWWHHYYYYY *Breathing Shaky* *Sobbing* AHHH AGHH AHH [ENDS PAIN] AHH YAGHH YAAAH...
  15. Blue


  16. Blue


  17. Blue

    Intelligence Ambassador Application (SCPRP) Brit (C-1)

    - support banned off TS blacklisted from nu7 unwhitelisted from 096 (i still remember the time you were being a bitch as 096 AND a staff member) power hungry (when he was staff)
  18. Blue

    a minute ago? man was desperate he was refreshing every second

    a minute ago? man was desperate he was refreshing every second
  19. Blue

    Why I am ethical/should be eticks

    Application DeeNyed your not ethcial enough you cna reply in 10.3 seconds