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  1. King Jez

    (MRP) Becoming a great Pilot?

    tl;dr: step 1 hold w step 2 move mouse step 3 click
  2. King Jez

    Compliments Section V2

    Name: @Ryden What they did: Helped me go off with my theme song How did it affect you: It allowed me to get out of the deep dark depression that is the neverending thought that nothing you ever do in life is permanent and that in 100 years nobody will remember you. Ryden plays my theme song...
  3. King Jez

    Compliments Section V2

    i love you so much fiski
  4. King Jez

    Sandwalker HC app

    +Support - on basically 24/7 - knows how to act maturely - knows how to lead a war/regiment (lead psf im pretty sure) - long time player
  5. King Jez

    big jez

    sir thankyou sir
  6. King Jez

    big jez

    very sussy ?
  7. King Jez

    big jez

    i am big jez i never minge i never mrdm (trust me)
  8. King Jez

    Zizo's UHC Demotion Appeal-ish

    +Support very good war man base raid getter
  9. King Jez

    lybbx please no femboy on my profile

    lybbx please no femboy on my profile
  10. King Jez

    Compliments Section V2

    Name: @Ryden What they did: did this so im doing it back How did it affect you: i feel so special!!!!! Giving +1?: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. King Jez

    Ryden's UHC Application

    +Support Active + friendly ig & ts Serious roleplayer Experience in high rank positions
  12. King Jez

    [MRP] Scavenging and cooking guide

    Wowzers!!!! this is so amazing!! thankyou rich man ricky hawking!!!!
  13. King Jez

    fiski hc app!!!!!!

    +Support very good at the game very actif not a minge at all !!!! biggest non minge on the server good app
  14. King Jez

    Blackout's GM App

    +support - good ideas - meets requirements - friendly - active in ts3 + game