Search results

  1. John “Atlas” Kent

    [UK] Biscuit's Blacklist Appeal

    + Support ( Because he commissioned my Pac3 )
  2. John “Atlas” Kent

    [SCP-UK] Red

    I'm not going to tell him that he's my favorite SL :eek:
  3. John “Atlas” Kent

    Echelon "Azreal Ghost" Pac3 Request

    + Support Kind of similar to mine
  4. John “Atlas” Kent

    [UK] 'Crimson' SCP-096 Application

    Application Accepted Greetings, Thank you for taking the time to make 096 Application You are now officially whitelisted for SCP-096 based on the requirements Make sure to contact Admin+ when you are on the server Have a good day! Kind regards, Atlas
  5. John “Atlas” Kent

    [UK] Renolks' Resignation Appeal

    + Support This dude is a huge nerd and a sit sniper His name is goofy ahh - Decent staff member, and very helpful around
  6. John “Atlas” Kent

    Jason M. 's Leaving Post

    Bye, Captain Melon, and good luck in the future O7.
  7. John “Atlas” Kent

    [UK] Jhareno's 096 Application.

    Application Accepted Greetings, Thank you for taking the time to make 096 Application You are now officially whitelisted for SCP-096 based on the requirements Make sure to contact Admin+ when you are on the server Have a good day! Kind regards, Atlas
  8. John “Atlas” Kent

    [UK] Archangel IA Ambassador App #1

    - Support Improve your dad's jokes first + Support
  9. John “Atlas” Kent


    Damn this changed my life
  10. John “Atlas” Kent

    got banned and admin did not handle situation properly

    Greetings, I just saw your support ticket, please go to the complaint section if you have issue with the server. Kind regards, Atlas
  11. John “Atlas” Kent

    PAC Request Juggernaut armor v2

    + Support Al-Qatala on top
  12. John “Atlas” Kent

    Holland 096 App UK

    Application Accepted Greetings, Thank you for taking the time to make 096 Application You are now officially whitelisted for SCP-096 based on the requirements Make sure to contact Admin+ when you on the server Have a good day! Kind regards, Atlas
  13. John “Atlas” Kent

    Ong my mentor

    Ong my mentor
  14. John “Atlas” Kent

    [UK] Kurt Gunsche SCR-RP ban appeal

    Appeal Respond Greetings, and thank you for taking the time to make a ban appeal. To begin with, you were in a sit with my mentee for RDM, and the moment he brought you into the staff room, he noticed that you were moving around by using +left in the console. Based on the punishment...
  15. John “Atlas” Kent

    I was wrongly banned by an incompetent admin

    Complaint Respond Greetings, and thank you for taking your time to make a ban appeal. I will give out my opinions during that sit. Neptune was the original staff member who was dealing with your sit, and he asked me to take over. 1. After checking the logs, I noticed that you killed a lot of...
  16. John “Atlas” Kent

    "Murlon" SCP-096 Application [UK]

    Application Accepted Greetings, Thank you for taking the time to make 096 Application You are now officially whitelisted for SCP-096 based on the requirements Make sure to contact Admin+ when you on the server Have a good day! Kind regards, Atlas
  17. John “Atlas” Kent


    Application Accepted Greetings, Thank you for taking the time to make 096 Application You are now officially whitelisted for SCP-096 based on the requirements Make sure to contact Admin+ when you on the server Have a good day! Kind regards, Atlas
  18. John “Atlas” Kent

    thats crazy

    Come back smh
  19. John “Atlas” Kent

    Dude, What if

  20. John “Atlas” Kent

    [UK] Mike 'Brum's Staff Application

    + Support - Mature - Friendly - Decent guy