Search results

  1. qwasom

    [UK] Jeff 'Lancelot' L's Application for GSD Captain

    +Support + Very experienced
  2. qwasom

    [UK] Application IA Ambassador

    +Support - Great IA - Good looking application
  3. qwasom

    [UK] Jeff "Lancelot" L's application for Moderator

    +Support - Exprienced player. - Knows the rules very good. - Lot of warnings that are expired. - Previus Mod expirience on diffrent platforms
  4. qwasom

    [UK] SCP-096 Application

    +/- Neutral support - Not alot of interactions. - POLSKA!!!! - Application dosent look good. - Nothing wrong found tho Bob Simson "Pillar" Rank Holding/Held MTF E-11 LCPL Holding MTF NU-7 PVT Held CI-A Held DEA/IA Agent Holding
  5. qwasom

    Executive Researcher Application [UK]

    -Support - Little to no effort put into the application . - Never seen you on the UK server, nor have my friends that play on diffrent times. - No details. Bob Simson "Pillar" Rank Holding/Held MTF E-11 LCPL Holding MTF NU-7 PVT Held CI-A Held DEA/IA Agent Holding
  6. qwasom

    [UK] Moscow's IA Ambassador Application.

    +Support - Met in game, good agent. - While the application is lacking detail, it has good looks that make up for it. Bob Simson "Pillar" Rank Holding/Held MTF E-11 LCPL Holding MTF NU-7 PVT Held CI-A Held DEA/IA Agent Holding
  7. qwasom

    Bob Simsons "Pillar" Site Advisor Aplication [UK]

    Im fine with discord, unless i say on discord that i am under 13 im good
  8. qwasom

    Bob Simsons "Pillar" Site Advisor Aplication [UK]

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:547635302 Discord name: qwasom For how long have you played on CG SCP: Not sure, atleast two months. Age: 11 (12 in a month) In what country are you located?: Poland Time zone: GMT+1 Character name(s): Foundation: Bob Simson "Pillar", CI: Bob Watterson Civilian name: Qwasom...
  9. qwasom

    [Uk] John Nolan Security Captain Application

    - Support -Never seen you on GSD nethier in game, even my friends who play at difrent times dont. -Nothing that you did on other servers or games is relevant. -No Whitelisted roles, and going straight into cl.4.
  10. qwasom

    [UK] Jeff "Lancelot" L's Application for GSD Captain

    +Support -Good leadership -Not dumb -Ethical enouth (atleast more than others) -Good Person
  11. qwasom

    Elijah's first consultant application [UK]

    Great adittion to the medical team.
  12. qwasom

    [UK] Jimmy Swan's Security captain application

    +respect Ethical (at least more than others). Not a lot of kicks/bans. Great person.
  13. qwasom


    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):maciejkrajnik12345 How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):2d,1h Age:11 In what country are you located?:poland Time zone:Central European Time Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):bob...