Search results

  1. harryman

    cya later ("Dr.TC" Michael Davis)

    honestly, i had so much fun playing civil gamers. most of you prob dont know me, but hi anyways. i played scp rp for around 3 months (ik not very long) but in that 3 months i had the time of my life, i felt at home and felt like everyone was my friend. but i just havent been enjoying it as much...
  2. harryman

    Morning Man Moderator Application.

    -/+ Neutral -/+no interactions -/+unknown rule knowledge -/+unknown maturity
  3. harryman

    Bobby Hill's Application [USA]

    -/+ Neutral -/+no interactions -/+unknown rule knowledge -/+unknown maturity
  4. harryman

    [USA] Solidus' Application

    +support +good interations +good app +good fit for staff
  5. harryman

    [US] Ol' Jimmy's Application

    + Support +good application +good roleplay +/- seen sometimes
  6. harryman

    Nova- Moderator Application

    +/- Neutral leaning to +support +good app +previous staff experience +/-havent seen much +/-low play time
  7. harryman

    [USA] Alpha's Moderator Application

    +/- Neutral leaning to +support +good app +previous staff experience +/-havent seen much +/-low play time I 100% believe that if you get more play time and interact with the community more you'll get it
  8. harryman

    The Docter's Staff Application

    -support -extremely lackluster app -previous bans -no interactions at all
  9. harryman

    Mod Application

    +Support +hold cl4 as A-1 cpt +active +mature +amazing RP
  10. harryman

    [USA] SunnyD's Mod Application.

    +Support +active +good rule knowledge +/-okay app -previous warning
  11. harryman

    [USA] Bobbert's Application

    +/- Neutral +/-low hours +/-no experience in game +/-unsure on activity +/-unsure of rule knowledge
  12. harryman

    [USA] Jules' Mod App

    +Support +very active +good rule knowledge +holds cl4 -poor app
  13. harryman

    Moderator Application [USA]

    +/- Neutral +staff experience +/-unknown activity +/-unknown rule knowledge -bad app
  14. harryman

    Arakata Moderator Application

    -Support +staff experience +/-unknown rule knowledge -broke application rules -never seen
  15. harryman

    Application for Moderator {USA}

    +Support +good app +cl4 role +active +/-unknown rule knowledge
  16. harryman

    Babalowa's Mod App

    +/- Neutral Leaning to +Support +staff experience +good app +/-unknown activity +/-unknown rule knowledge
  17. harryman

    Doom Guy's Mod App

    +/- Neutral Leaning to +Support +staff experience +good app +/-never seen +/-unknown activity +/-unknown rule knowledge
  18. harryman

    Foo Foo's staff app

    -Support +/- Unsure of maturity +/- Unsure of rule knowledge - Low playtime - No interactions - Previous warnings/bans - Poor grammer Look man, if you want to join the staff team I suggest becoming more well known in the community. Meaning play more, and try to interact with people more. Also...
  19. harryman

    [US] Chris Henderson's Moderator Application

    +Support +Knows rules +High ranking MTF +Active +Mature Good luck!
  20. harryman

    harryman's IA ambassador application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56465758 Discord name: harryman#3198 For how long have you played on CG SCP: 11 days Age: 16 In what country are you located?: USA Time zone: EST Character name(s): "Dr.TC" Michael Davis Civilian name: Michael Dangle What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or...