- Neutral
- Minimal interactions with you myself.
+ Past experience.
I am unable to form a full verdict due to the minimal interactions I have had with you.
- Neutral
- Little interactions with you within research.
- Document writing could do with some improving.
- Application could use more detail in areas such as ‘What makes a document excellent’ etc.
Overall I believe you should try to become more well known within Research and gather a bit...
- Neutral
- little interactions
- Could add more detail in certain areas however it is not the biggest issue.
- Past experience
Good luck with your application!
- Neutral
- Little interactions however those I've had have been positive.
- Application lacks some detail in areas.
- Past experience
Good luck with the application!
+ Support
+ Active
+ Friendly
- Could have more playtime however its not the biggest issue.
- Application could be more detailed.
Good luck with the application!
+ Support
+ Professional and capable of holding a position such as Site Advisor
+ Good past interactions
+ Previous experience
Good luck with the application!
+ Support
+ Extremely active
+ Mature and friendly
+ All interactions have been positive
+ Strong leader and has proven this within his facility and CI positions.
Overall I think that Quin would be a perfect candidate to be given the chance with such a position.
Good luck!
+ Support
+ Active
+ Mature and friendly
+ Good knowledge of rules
+ Past experience
- Past warns
- Application could use a bit more detail.
However I wish you all the best with your application, Good luck!
- Neutral
- No interactions personally
- Application could be more detailed
- Past staff experience, knowledge of ULX etc.
Good luck with the application!
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