Search results

  1. Zen

    (SCP-RP UK) Staff kick / demotion appeal

    -Support I don't really know you, but while I definitely think that having to wait so long for a promotion or just communication in general around that is ridiculous, I feel like that doesn't excuse deliberately abusing your position as staff in any way. The way your appeal is worded also...
  2. Zen

    Site Advisor Eccleston PAC

    Literally look to the immediate right of that
  3. Zen

    Site Advisor Eccleston PAC

    The rules say otherwise. Also, the coat is from changing the entire model to a different model, that's not just something added on top. All of the suit models with coat/no coat, waistcoat/suit jacket/none, tie/no tie, etc. are entirely different models from each other.
  4. Zen

    Site Advisor Eccleston PAC

    Changing the base model requires approval, which is what I have done here.
  5. Zen

    Site Advisor Eccleston PAC

    Changes the base model, so it does 🤷
  6. Zen

    Site Advisor Eccleston PAC

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested: Site Advisor SteamID: STEAM_0:1:94216966 Photo: Note: This changes the base model to this, as this is server content and so should work for anyone with the content pack installed.
  7. Zen

    Bring back community meetings

    This sounds pretty neat, even if it's not completely regular. Even if it's just now and then, that seems like a good idea.
  8. Zen

    [Addons Application] - Elvis Padre

    It's not up to me, I was just a bit confused and thought it would help your application to include examples.
  9. Zen

    [Addons Application] - Elvis Padre

    I don't really understand what you mean by this being the first time you've done stuff for gmod while at the same time being experienced with GLua - that doesn't make much sense. Do you have any examples of things you've made using GLua?
  10. Zen

    Adios from Aurelius

    o7 Can't believe you're not gonna spend your entire summer playing gmod, that should be illegal
  11. Zen

    Accepted Make the stun stick AND OTHER MELEE WEAPON sounds quieter and travel less

    That would be the Versek or whatever it's called
  12. Zen

    Accepted Make the stun stick AND OTHER MELEE WEAPON sounds quieter and travel less

    This sound attenuation issue also exists for 427-2 instances' walking sounds. I'm somewhat feeling like this should have been a bug report instead, but ~
  13. Zen

    [UK] O5-2 "The Humanitarian"

    -Support We need our IA ECM But nah, +Support, great ECM, will be sad to see him leave the role, but is definitely qualified for O5. The ECM cover idea also seems interesting.
  14. Zen

    [UK] Jonathan Eccleston's Site Advisor Application [Zen]

    You may know me by another character name - see my forums signature for the list. E.g. I was E-11 CPT "Jorvik" E&TS
  15. Zen


    Welcome back
  16. Zen

    [UK] Jonathan Eccleston's Site Advisor Application [Zen]

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:94216966 Discord name: deniz3n For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since August 2023 Age: 22 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: BST Character name(s): See forums signature. Civilian name: See forums signature. What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or...
  17. Zen

    Sophia/Venus' Leaving Post

  18. Zen

    Accepted Make the stun stick AND OTHER MELEE WEAPON sounds quieter and travel less

    Things like EmitSound allow you to set both the volume and "soundLevel" of a sound, i.e. the attenuation. With that, you can change the distance that a sound travels, even if you keep the same volume.
  19. Zen

    Zen's Moderator Application

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): I have no idea, don't know how I would find this, and feel this is a really strange question. I have had many Steam names over the years, but have gone by Zen during my time on the server. How many hours of playtime do you have...