Search results

  1. Zen

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

    Even with Site-9, all of what has been mentioned will remain an issue on 65.
  2. Zen

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

    While some parts of the how are vague, this is partially on purpose (at least on my end), as this is something that would need a lot of work to plan out and carry out, and while I generally don't trust Content Team's ability to read, they and most of current (UK at least) SL do generally do well...
  3. Zen

    Accepted Medical Anomaly Beam

    I think that's more of a limitation with how those work. E.g. ERT can only heal themselves to 100
  4. Zen

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

    Fun fact: this is an accepted suggestion, but it seemingly was never added to any of the dev trackers and so was completely forgotten about.
  5. Zen

    Partially Accepted Give Orange Suit and ERT Hacking Tool

    Having just one of the slots have it would be fine, too. They already have different loadouts, sounds good.
  6. Zen

    Accepted Medical Anomaly Beam

    You can actually heal SCPs with a medkit/field kit
  7. Zen

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

    I would like to remind people that the possibility of: O5/EC visiting as part of events by GMs/SL is still possible under this Some parts can be reworked - e.g. if EC was reworked to not be directly in the chain of command and definitely not be Site Command, amongst other changes, some parts of...
  8. Zen

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

    This was made possible by the Forums Goblin Gang, and viewers like you at home. Collectively made by: @Zen @FrostByte @Niox
  9. Zen

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion changes the following; [Removals] - Remove the O5 Council, Alpha-1, and their Assistants (outside of events/SSL) - Remove the Ethics Committee, Omega-1, and their Assistants (outside of events/SSL. Ethics could possibly be...
  10. Zen

    Rule Suggestion SCP-22415-3 Direct SCP Combat Rule

    The beams have limited charge before you need to wait for them, and they only slow SCPs slightly unless you're <=10% BM. 22415s are always supposed to prioritise getting non-combatives to safety over anything else, so you can call a sit if they're not doing that to focus on you. It is against...
  11. Zen

    Denied Give O-1/A-1 and OSA/ECA ability to arrest people

    At a recent meeting, idr whether it was SC or SL or both, somebody basically gave the blanket statement that enforcing FLC is outright not part of either role's job and that it was basically powercreep that they got those powers in the first place. ISD and assistants are there to protect SC and...
  12. Zen

    Accepted Working Scranton Reality Anchor's in TG-A & TG-B CC's

    +Support It could be a nerfed Scranton, e.g. it allows detain but nothing else, to allow potential RP around tests/sampling. Really like the overall idea, though - afaik TGs are to some extent already considered to be under the effects of them and so aren't actually allowed to do various things...
  13. Zen

    Denied Add keypad outside CPC

    It is the checkpoint between PW and ULCZ
  14. Zen

    Partially Accepted SCU Requirement Change

    I do think the SCP level does help with the role, it gives the opportunity for the person to understand how the SCPs work better. I do agree with that part.
  15. Zen

    Denied E-11 Cartographer

    Find them when they're not in there 🤷
  16. Zen

    Partially Accepted SCP Chemical Testing Suggestion

    +Support Though I feel like for this to work, chemicals' interactions with SCPs should be considered carefully and work differently depending on the SCP - e.g. an interaction should never result in something ridiculously overpowered like teleporting 096 to everyone on the map, or killing 682...
  17. Zen

    Denied Give O-1/A-1 and OSA/ECA ability to arrest people

    -Support This was changed recently because of how much ISD and Assistants were stepping into IA's role - ISD has had a huge amount of powercreep, and in this aspect it was one of many things that were badly fucking IA over. I genuinely don't see much of a need for them to be able to do this that...
  18. Zen

    Denied E-11 Cartographer

    Neutral This is honestly not actually needed, as you can just request that all 22415s leave the dimension for long enough for it to collapse (plus, some other accepted changes to how dimension works should help once they are implemented). 22415s have to leave dimension and help if requested to...
  19. Zen

    Denied No media job even though it is mentioned in support level?

    I believe before Parawatch, there used to be CGITV on the server, and that is likely what this refers to, though I'm not 100% sure
  20. Zen

    Denied Better/expanded use of existing female models in content pack

    Could you give a reason for this?