Search results

  1. Timber/PEEK

    [USA] Solidus' Application

    +SUPPORT +Good RP +Interactions in game +knowledgeable on rules +Good app
  2. Timber/PEEK

    Nova- Moderator Application

    Leaning towards +SUPPORT +activity +Good app +/- no personel interactions
  3. Timber/PEEK

    US-Daniel Larson APP

    +/- Neutral +/-no interactions -Previous warnings +Previous staff experience
  4. Timber/PEEK

    [US] Thunders Application

    +Support +activity +Good APP +Interactions in game -mentioned another community (against rule 7 of recruitment rules in the app format)
  5. Timber/PEEK

    Locust's Moderator Application [USA]

    +SUPPORT +good interactions +knowledgeable with rules
  6. Timber/PEEK

    [US] Raiden's Application For Moderator

    +support +good app +Decent activity -not many interactions
  7. Timber/PEEK

    Application for Moderator {USA}

    +Support +Seen in game +active +Good Application
  8. Timber/PEEK

    [USA] Jules' Mod App

    +/-Neutral leaning to +Support +interactions n game +good RP +very active in game and TS +friendly +good rule knowledge -Application could use some elaborations mostly on the last few questions (only reason for neutral)
  9. Timber/PEEK

    Moderator Application [USA]

    +/- Neutral Leaning to +Support +interactions in game +active +/- Unknown on rule knowledge -Application could use some work on elaborating on some questions
  10. Timber/PEEK

    [USA] SunnyD's Mod Application.

    +/- Neutral +/- Unsure on rule knowledge +/- Havent seen much from you outside of D class -previous warnings +Previous staffing experience
  11. Timber/PEEK

    Babalowa's Mod App

    +Support +Interactions in game +generally friendly +Good app +good activity
  12. Timber/PEEK

    Mod Application

    +SUPPORT +good interactions +Good RP +friendly +Active +good time
  13. Timber/PEEK

    Doom Guy's Mod App

    +/- Neutral Leaning to +support +previous staff experience +Decent application +/- Unknown activity +/- No interaction personally
  14. Timber/PEEK

    [US] Chris Henderson's Moderator Application

    +Support +Interactions in game +Have previous experience +no warns +/- App could use a bit more elaboration in certain areas +Lots of time on server
  15. Timber/PEEK

    Arakata Moderator Application

    +/- Neutral +Previous staff experience in multiple areas +An alright App overall -Mentioned another community in an application (against the app rules) -Did not fill out one of the questions
  16. Timber/PEEK

    [USA] Bobbert's Application

    +/- Neutral +/- Application could use a bit more elaboration in some areas +/- Hour are not the best +/-No experience in game +/- Unsure on activity
  17. Timber/PEEK

    Foo Foo's staff app

    +/- Neutral +/- barely above minimum playtime (would be beneficial to play on the server more) +/-Unsure of RP +/- The app is Okay from my standpoint +/- In my overall opinion I feel like you should get a feel for the server a bit more as different roles
  18. Timber/PEEK

    Timmeh's staff app

    +Support +Good application + Decent interactions in game +Past staff experience +good RP
  19. Timber/PEEK


    Neutral -/+ App could use some work on some questions +alright interactions in game -/+ Unsure on activity
  20. Timber/PEEK

    [US] "Dirty" Dan's Moderator Application

    +SUPPORT +Great Application +Great activity +Good RP +Good rep +Decent Interactions