Search results

  1. Pierre 'Gauthier'

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - toastebarksalot

    +support Never seen a unethical assistant then this man
  2. Pierre 'Gauthier'

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Noble_

    + triple support +active +professional +is fit to become a staff +hell naw
  3. Pierre 'Gauthier'

    [SCPRP] Chief Of Security Civilnetworks

    -support -your using AI that is obvious -your not even a captain and your applying for chief of security -God damn to many warns sorry fam but try next time
  4. Pierre 'Gauthier'

    [UK] O5-1 "The Humanitarian" Ascendance

    +support I am scared if he cooks
  5. Pierre 'Gauthier'

    [UK] Mark 'Dutch' Belgrum OSA
