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  1. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Tech Expert - Higher Clearance

    this is a very funny joke
  2. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied ECM/ECC CL4 Card

    i dont think ethics being cl5 is a secret
  3. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Orange Suit Suggested Changes & Buffs

    only thing that needs changing is the mauler, the orange suit isnt meant to solo all scps, its meant to act as support +/- support
  4. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Female Player Models

    maybe only some jobs, like consultant, ia, research or d-class
  5. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Accepted Bring over MRP regimental keycard levels

    oh i forgot to +Support
  6. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Accepted Bring over MRP regimental keycard levels

    its simply not classified, the document may be, but knowing that he exists and is a lizard isnt going to get you amnesticated is it?
  7. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Accepted Bring over MRP regimental keycard levels

    nowhere, because 682 isnt secret
  8. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Accepted Bring over MRP regimental keycard levels

    there is no proof of your statement, and also, there is no single canon, so some may have most info (like its document) be level 2 or 3, whilst other may have it be 4 or even 5, in rare and complicated cases, in the case of site-65, the existence and basic info of 682 is declassified, tests are...
  9. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Accepted Bring over MRP regimental keycard levels

    682 isnt even level 4 info, its just level 4 security clearance so nobody can walk into his cc easily
  10. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Accepted Add a Different Scope Version thats Optionable

    as long as its optional im all for it
  11. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Revitalisation of Surface RP

    there will be more buildings added to surface +support
  12. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Suggestion to add - SCP-166 [The Rewritten 166]

    your suggestion would just add another scp people can minge on
  13. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Accepted Captain/Chief Office Addition [GSD] [UK]

    also the armoury is unneeded, thats why they removed it.
  14. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Accepted Captain/Chief Office Addition [GSD] [UK]

    then give a code to all sr personnels spawns
  15. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied SCP-323 Rework "Goat-man"

    this suggestion improves his stalk ability allowing him to focus on staying hidden/ away from people, otherwise it cant stalk people if the only thing it can focus on is running away.
  16. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied SCP-323 Rework "Goat-man"

    323 is in need of a major buff and still gets stomped by numbers of people, especially if they use potent
  17. Michael Dzhetnikov

    PAC Request Sean "faceless" Hansons Pac3 for d class

    +Support tick tock heavy like a brinks truck time will grab your wrist lock it down till the thing pop can you stick around for a minute til the ring stop please god
  18. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied 8837 Containment Chamber Panels

    +Support should be added to other scp chambers with containment instead of door opening
  19. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Restore E-11's hacking notification to pre-update.

    Searching HCZ is the best way to locate a hack as it is very loud, its still very useful for E11 in other parts of the site.